
Editable free holiday card templates.

Explore our holiday card templates to create your design in minutes. Then, get it professionally printed and delivered straight to your door (US and UK Adobe Express desktop users only).

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Bring your idea to life with holiday card templates from Adobe Express.

Ease holiday stress and make preparations a breeze with free holiday card templates that let you make beautiful holiday cards in just a few minutes. Use the Adobe Express all-in-one online editor to design cards for any occasion or holiday, whether for personal or business use. If you're planning to send off your very own holiday cards on time or need something last minute, Adobe Express makes it quick and easy to make a stunning card to kick off the festivities. And, you can make as many cards as you'd like, so have fun with all the customization options at your fingertips. All you need is your imagination.

Explore and choose from our wide selection of holiday card template designs of all styles to kickstart your project. Save time and effort with customizable holiday card templates or search by color, niche, industry, and aesthetic to find just what you need for your project. Choose from thousands of stunning fonts, curated color palettes, images, videos, icons, graphics, and so much more to add to your project. It's fun and easy to make, save, and share your finished designs anywhere with Adobe Express.