6 Tips To Create a Stand-Out LinkedIn Business Page
No social media network is quite like LinkedIn. Far removed from the world of Instagram models and Pinterest crafters, the platform is a massive hub for professionals, ranging from entrepreneurs and job seekers to CEOs and interns. And with over 722 million members ready to indulge in content (that’s more people than some continents have!), you definitely don’t want to ignore the potential of a LinkedIn business page.
We’ll give you the info you need to decide if LinkedIn is worth your time and understand how to capitalize on the platform if it is.
Do I Need a LinkedIn Business Page?
LinkedIn is an incredibly useful marketing channel for many companies. Even if you already have a LinkedIn profile, going the extra mile to create a company page gives you extra opportunities to get found, engage with potential customers, and build your brand. It’s also the only way to unlock advertising options, like sponsored content and dynamic LinkedIn ads.
But when you’re a small business owner, you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. You want to focus on the social networks that your audience will actually use to engage with you. LinkedIn may not be the perfect place for selling fast-moving consumer goods (like clothing or laundry detergent), but it’s a must-use platform if any of these statements describe you:
1. You Run a B2B Company
Anyone who runs a business-to-business (B2B) brand should create a LinkedIn business page—no need to question it any further. LinkedIn is where B2B companies generate 80% of leads, so even if you’re killing it on every major platform other than LinkedIn, you may only be meeting 20% of your social media marketing potential.
Diverse professionals are always on the social network aiming to connect with other professionals, and LinkedIn marketing can boost every B2B brand’s ability to reach and develop relationships with their exact target audience.
2. You Want To Connect With Stakeholders
Whether your customers are on LinkedIn or not, jumping on the platform can give you access to the stakeholders you may not think about reaching on other platforms. LinkedIn is filled with potential investors, suppliers, business partners, and more who use the platform to learn about brands on a professional level.
A LinkedIn page is also a great place for recruiters to post job opportunities and make hiring easier—something you can’t do on the platform with a personal LinkedIn account.
3. You Want Customers To Connect With Your Team
One of the best perks of a LinkedIn business page is the fact that it pulls all of your employees’ profiles together. Just by tapping into your page, visitors can see every LinkedIn user who works in your organization (and even browse those from the same school).
If you want to make it easy for LinkedIn users to connect with real people in your team—and empower each of your team members to represent your brand, regardless of job title—this platform could be a great fit for you.
4. You Want To Establish a Brand Apart From Yourself
The biggest incentive to create a LinkedIn company page, rather than just sticking with your personal LinkedIn profile, is the fact that it helps you create a brand that’s greater than you—one that doesn’t rely on your own reputation or connections to thrive.
While a business page may not be necessary if you are your brand—think bloggers, influencers, and other solopreneurs—it’s a must if you want to give your growing company a unique look and personality.
3 LinkedIn Page Features To Brand Your Business
When you create your LinkedIn business page, the platform will seamlessly guide you through all the information you need to fill out, from your company name to your website. Most of the page-building process is pretty straightforward, but we recommend spending some extra time fleshing out these page elements that could greatly impact how users perceive your brand:
1. Visuals
Your company logo and cover photo are the first things that users will see when they visit your page. To make a great impression (one that’s positive and memorable), make sure these visual elements are true to your brand. Use the same logo you have displayed across your social media accounts—or create a logo in minutes with Adobe Spark if you don’t have one already—then create a cover image with your brand colors, fonts, and overall style. Doing so will help you stand out and resonate with the right audience.
Your cover photo should be visually pleasing and created with the basic principles of design in mind. Don’t have graphic design experience? Creating an eye-catching one still doesn’t have to be hard. Just use Adobe Spark’s free LinkedIn cover photo templates to build a beautiful and perfectly sized image that you’ll be proud to display. Pro tip: Tap “Brandify” to instantly customize your favorite template for your brand. Tap the design below to get started!
Another page element you should focus on is your tagline. This displays prominently on your LinkedIn business page, right under your logo and company name.
You can treat your tagline much like your profile’s LinkedIn headline. In a concise phrase or sentence, describe what your company’s value is. Warner Music Group offers a great example: “Creating a nurturing environment for artists, songwriters, and fellow employees at every stage of their career.”
Try to include keywords and get creative where you can to boost your search engine optimization (SEO)—on both Google and LinkedIn—and stay in users’ minds.
3. Company Description
Your company description is a longer-tail brand bio that lets you further flesh out what makes you different. When potential new followers want to learn more about you, they’ll head to your “About” section to read this bio.
Use this section to detail your brand values, your mission, and what exactly you do in a few short paragraphs. Share the company details that make you differ from your competitors—those staple parts of your brand and culture. And as you do so, don’t forget to use your unique brand voice and insert keywords where it makes sense.
3 Types of Posts That Stand Out on LinkedIn
Your LinkedIn marketing strategy will likely look a lot different than your strategy on other platforms. LinkedIn members value thought leadership, which means the most relevant content is not only engaging, but also provides helpful takeaways that matter to your audience and in your industry.
Over time, you’ll be able to use LinkedIn analytics to really get to know your audience and what content they respond to, but when you’re just getting started, here are some types of posts that stand out on LinkedIn:
1. Infographics
Social media users love visuals, and infographics are the ultimate blend of valuable and visual content all in one. Infographics are powerful tools for breaking down complex info in a way that not only makes sense, but is enjoyable to read through.
Your LinkedIn business page is a great place to share infographics that:
Explain the process your brand takes to provide a service or create a product, step by step
With Adobe Spark, infographics are much simpler to make than you may think. Just tap on a template that makes sense for the info you want to share, then plug in your content and Brandify! Tap the image below to find the perfect template for your first infographic:
Video performance excels pretty much everywhere these days, and on LinkedIn, it’s no different. On average, LinkedIn videos get five times more engagement than the average post. If you’re willing to go live, make that 25 times higher.
On your LinkedIn page, you can share snippets of your webinars, get behind the camera to chat about industry trends, or invite your top talent or thought leaders outside of your organization for an interview or to speak on relevant topics.
3. Blogs and Articles
Want to cement your brand’s position as an industry leader? Use your LinkedIn page to curate valuable articles—including those that are written by you!
LinkedIn members are a prime audience for your full-length blogs—they’re looking to learn and grow—which means you can repurpose your content marketing and drive them to your site. Share content that speaks on industry trends or gives your audience a taste of how your brand can solve their problems. Don’t forget to give context—use your caption to insert your voice into the conversation and include a call-to-action for users to follow the link.
You can use Adobe Spark’s social media graphic templates to take every share to the next level. Whether you’re featuring a helpful quote from your blog post or summarizing the takeaways from an article, adding a visual to your post will always help you catch more eyes. Tap here to start remixing your favorite designs for your brand: