60 funny birthday card ideas to customize

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Birthdays can bring about a whole host of emotions, so why not get ahead of the day with humor? Though many people rely on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram to send birthday wishes, a heartfelt and humorous greeting card can really show someone you’re thinking about them. Whether it’s your manager’s special day or your mom’s, there’s a way to create memories for each of them that will last until their next birthday. We’ve rounded up a long list of concepts and templates that will fulfill all the funniest birthday card ideas rattling around in your brain.

Funny things to write in a birthday card

To help you create cards for future joyous occasions, we’ve put together some ideas for how you can add levity to a loved one’s birthday. Birthday card jokes, food and drink puns, and poetic devices can all bring a smile to someone’s face on their big day, so try one of our funny birthday card ideas below and see what sticks for you.

However old you are is the new 30. Happy birthday.

Like a fine wine, we get better with age. Or maybe we just feel better about our age with a little bit of wine.

Happy birthday to someone who is smart, talented, pretty, creative, and fabulous. I love that we’re so much alike.

It is scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer. Congrats on your success.

At least you’re not as old as you will be next year. Happy birthday.

Time to tell you the truth, mom, you don’t bake the best cookies in the world. But you do give the best hugs, kisses, back scratches, care when I’m sick, support when I’m down and home to come back to. Your Thanksgiving turkey isn’t too bad either. Happy birthday.

Just like you’re not supposed to have a favorite child, I’m not supposed to have a favorite parent. But between you and me, let’s just say dad didn’t get as great of a gift as you’re getting this year. Happy birthday, Mom. From your unofficial favorite child.

You may be getting older Mom, but think on the bright side, you’ll at least always be younger than Dad. Happy birthday.

Just imagine the things you’d want to hear on your birthday and then pretend I said them. Love you, babe!

Your birthday outshines all the other 364 days of the year. Happy birthday!

If things really do get better with age, then you’re nearing perfection. I bet it feels as good as it looks. Happy birthday!

For your birthday, how about a fruit salad instead of cake? A fruit salad with mostly grapes – no, all grapes. Fermented grapes. Wine it is.

I can barely keep up with everyone’s birthdays these days, but you better believe I’d never forget yours. Happy birthday to the best sister there is.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the best person in the world was born. Happy birthday, bud!

Best friend, we’ve been through it all. We’ve celebrated birthdays together from our diaper days as kids, and I look forward to our diaper days as adults. Let’s live it up while we’re young.

Your birthday is a painful reminder of how old I’m getting. At least we’re in it together.

Happy birthday to someone who is smart, talented, pretty, creative, and fabulous. I love that we’re so much alike.

It is scientifically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer. Congrats on your success.

Here’s to hoping all your candles this year don’t set off the fire alarm. Your birthday is gonna be lit.

Another birthday, another year older. Don’t you think it’s about time we started to act our age? Well, I know exactly what you’ll say. Next year. Happy birthday.

You’re not old. You’re just old enough to know better but not old enough to care. Happy birthday.

Another year to prove that older doesn’t really mean wiser. Happy birthday.

When I say, “have a happy birthday,” you better freaking do it!

Funny birthday cards for friends

Friends have to love you no matter what, right? So test that theory with gently ribbing your besties on their big days.

Funny birthday cards for her

Whether a sibling, a friend, or a co-worker, she’s a huge part of your life and you’d love to give her a laugh on her birthday.

Funny birthday cards for him

Treat your friend, co-worker, or acquaintance with a funny birthday card in his favorite colors with a pun about a food he likes or a sport he’s gotten into lately.

Funny birthday cards for your partner

Romantic partners see you on your best and worst days, so why not remind them of a few of those experiences with these amusing birthday card templates?

Non-gendered happy birthday card ideas

Choose cards for people in your life without gendering their celebration with these cheesy, cute, and affirming birthday card templates.

Funny birthday cards for family

No one knows you like your family, so you can really go wild with the levels of affection and humor in birthday cards for each family member. Does Dad have a corny hobby? Make fun of his fishing gear with a hand-drawn caricature inside and a fish pun on the cover. Show love for Mom with an easy joke about how she’s aging better than a fine wine.

Funny birthday cards for Mom

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Funny birthday cards for Dad

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Funny birthday cards for your son

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Funny birthday cards for your daughter

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Funny birthday cards for your siblings

Funniest milestone birthday card ideas

Mentioning age can’t be avoided for birthdays, so embrace the new number — whatever it is — with these gently roasting mile marker birthday cards.

Funny animal birthday card ideas

Make a loved one’s big day extra special with their favorite animals or pictures of their pets used in the layout of their birthday card.

Free Adobe Express funny happy birthday card templates

Adobe Express has a full library of funny, cute, and more formal birthday card ideas and templates that can be customized for any occasion. If you’re ready to go a step further and make personalized birthday certificates, try the Adobe Express certificate maker. Or continue on the funny bone path and choose from more funny birthday card templates below: