
20 great Earth Day poster designs and inspiration

Get your Earth Day message seen with professional looking Earth Day templates to customize..

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Each year on April 22nd, people around the globe celebrate our shared home: Earth. Earth Day celebrates the modern environmental movement by devoting a day to reflection on how we can make our one home better for all inhabitants—from plants, to animals, to humans.

As Rachel Carson wrote in her groundbreaking environmental science book Silent Spring, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

You can celebrate Earth Day by customizing one of the Adobe Express Earth Day templates in this post. You’ll find ideas for Earth Day posters including those with inspirational quotes about the environment.

Be sure to remind your social followers that it’s Earth Day by customizing one of our templates for Earth Day Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest posts. You can also create an Earth Day meme with inspiration from the designs featured in this post.

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Earth Day poster templates

Earth Day posters are a good way to reach people who want to know more about the environment. You can customize the following Earth Day poster templates for an Earth Day event. Put up a poster to remind people of the challenges facing Planet Earth and inspire them to fight climate change and help make environmental progress happen.

Earth Day quotes posters

Everybody loves an inspirational quote. This is especially true when it comes to Earth Day quotes. Use these Earth Day quote posters in your classroom or customize the template with your own favorite environmental quote.

Earth Day Pinterest templates

Are you an avid recycler or composter? Do you share your tips for a cleaner environment on Pinterest? These Earth Day Pinterest post templates will help you organize and amplify your online content.

Earth Day templates for Instagram and Facebook

If you’re throwing an Earth Day event such as a beach clean-up or tree planting day, be sure to advertise the event on Instagram and Facebook. Customize the following template for your Earth Day event. You can also let your followers know about environmental content that you’ve written or remind them to make an Earth Day resolution such as switching to all-natural cleaning products or biking to work.

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