On the internet, anyone can be anything.
Whether you want to become the biggest influencer in the fashion industry or position yourself as the most capable real estate agent around, your Instagram Stories and posts can reflect the part of yourself you’ve always wanted the world to see. For all the dreamers and creators of the world, starting an Instagram account is your chance to invent and embrace your personal brand.
The downside of internet anonymity: Social media is rife with catfishes. With an estimated 95 million bots and plenty of scammers on Instagram, users are getting more and more cautious about who they actually follow and trust. If you have a blurry headshot or the default Instagram profile pic (PFP), your account may not make the cut.
On the flip side, a cool PFP for Instagram can inspire trust and plant the seeds for strong follower loyalty by showing off a little of who you are. Here’s what you need to know to make a standout PFP of your own.
What does PFP really mean?
PFP is an acronym for profile picture, but it can also stand for “picture for proof.” When social media users want to verify that a person is real or a claim is true, sending a quick PFP request will do the trick. It’s essentially an update to the saying, “pics or it didn’t happen.”
The rising use of PFP is a testament to the rising scrutiny of users on social media platforms. With viral films like “The Tinder Swindler” and “Fyre” presenting real-life horror stories of catfishing, influencers, and the web, it’s safe to say that no one wants to be the star of Netflix’s next documentary.
Adding a clear, trustworthy Instagram profile photo is the best way to provide visual evidence that your or your business are, in fact, real.
How to make a cool PFP for Instagram.
An Insta-worthy PFP can give users a positive first impression of your brand. When you effectively show off what makes you or your business unique in the little circle next to your username, you can gain followers, engagement, and user trust. These three steps will help you quickly make a cool PFP for Instagram.