
Adobe Express named a 2022 Common Sense Selection for Learning

Adobe Express is now a recognized Common Sense Selection for Learning, due to its level of accessibility and resources available through the app and web.

Ben Forta


The Adobe Education team is excited to share that Adobe Express has been recognized by one of the most trusted brands in media literacy — Common Sense Education.

Used by over 100 million people around the world (including 275,000 teachers), Common Sense Education is the leading US nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing trustworthy information and education. In November 2022, the organization gave Adobe Express an overall Learning rating of five out of five stars.

Facilitating powerful learning experiences for students and educators

Adobe Express for Education is our web and mobile app that offers thousands of education-focused templates and easy-to-use tools for creating graphics, web pages, and videos. It’s free for K–12, it offers simple classroom account setup, and it’s built with student privacy and safety in mind.

Common Sense Education reviewed Adobe Express based on independent rating criteria and a 14-point pedagogical rubric, ultimately naming the app a Common Sense Selection for Learning. This distinction is reserved for best-in-class media resources and tools that facilitate great learning experiences for students and educators.

In its review, the nonprofit called Adobe Express an “enjoyable and practical design tool [that] supports creators of all ages,” and said that it’s “good for making teacher materials, but the real magic happens when you hand it over to your students.”

Driving classroom engagement with creative projects

Every educator knows it can be challenging to engage students in their learning. That’s why we designed Adobe Express for Education to be fun and easy. It gives students the satisfaction of quickly turning their information and ideas into stunning visuals that they’ll be proud to share with their teachers, peers, and families.

Common Sense Education noted this, saying that “Students can customize to their heart's content, plus collaborate with peers and easily publish their work with a click.”

The reviewer also noted that Adobe Express comes with a variety of templates and design elements that “provide scaffolded support” and that “teachers can build upon premade lesson plans to inspire authentic learning opportunities.” This is especially relevant for teachers who are looking for more creative ways for their students to demonstrate what they’ve learned in core subjects.

For example, an elementary social studies teachers could assign students a multimedia biography project on a historical figure, bringing to life an understanding of history that could feel less dynamic in a written report. Or, a middle school math teacher could ask students to create an infographic analyzing different types of triangles found in their town’s architecture. No matter what grade level or content area, Adobe Express can help students demonstrate their thinking and understanding in visual ways.

Find out more about Adobe Express for Education

To learn more about how Adobe Express can bring out your students’ creativity and enhance their learning, read the full Common Sense Education review. Then sign up for a free classroom account and start creating.