Convert WMV to MP4 videos for free.
Turn your WMV videos into MP4 videos in seconds with the Adobe Express free online MP4 converter.

1. Select.
Upload a WMV video from your device. Videos can be up to 1 hour long.
2. Convert.
Your video will automatically convert. Trim, mute, and preview your clip if you need to.
3. Continue editing.
Instantly download your WMV file as a new MP4 video or keep editing.

Transform your WMV files into MP4 videos for added shareability.
WMV video files are great, but MP4 files offer more compatibility. Instantly convert your WMV files into MP4s and preserve the video quality while increasing your shareability.
Trim your video clip.
Once you upload your WMV video, you can adjust the length of your new clip with the trimming tool. Get right to the good stuff by sliding the handlebars to set the desired parameters for your new video.

Mute the audio.
Select the Mute option if you wish to remove the audio from your newly converted clip.
Do more with your videos on the go.
Adobe Express lets you make professional quality edits to your videos for free in seconds. Shoot, edit, and share videos from your device to share across all your channels. Confidently create with the power of Adobe at your fingertips.