Resize YouTube banners for free.

Easily resize images and turn them into YouTube banners in minutes.

Upload your photo

Resize YouTube banners for free.

Easily resize images and turn them into YouTube banners in minutes.

Alternate video source (MP4)

Drag and drop an image
or browse to upload.

Upload your photo

File must be JPEG, JPG, PNG or WebP and less than 40MB

By uploading your image or video, you agree to the Adobe Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


How to resize your images for a YouTube banner.

Icon: Upload

1. Upload.

Choose a photo to upload to the YouTube banner resizer.

Icon: Resize

2. Resize.

Select Custom in the drop-down menu and type in 2560 x 1440px to turn your image into a standard YouTube banner size.

Icon: edit-22-n

3. Continue editing.

Download your resized YouTube banner instantly or keep editing in Adobe Express.

Turn photos into high-quality YouTube banners.

You can be confident in knowing that your resized YouTube banners retain their original quality without having to guess. Plus, you can easily crop your image and zoom in closer to your subject. Use the Image scale slider to adjust exactly how much you want to crop out of your image.

Customize the perfect YouTube banner in Adobe Express.

Turn your YouTube banner into a standout visual viewers will remember when you customize it further using the full Adobe Express editor. Remove the background of your image, apply photo effects and filters, and so much more. Include your brand logo, color schemes, and graphics. Add your social handles to connect across platforms. Everything you need to make the perfect YouTube banner starts with Adobe Express.

YouTube banner created with Adobe Express and its editing tools, featuring windows with design assets, fonts, and colors.
A variety of Adobe Express templates, including one of a person posing.

Stand out with Adobe Express.

Adobe Express, the quick and easy create-anything app is your go-to for designing social posts, images, flyers, presentations, videos, and more. With powerful generative AI tools, Adobe Stock design assets, and tons of customizable templates in your back pocket, you can bring any idea to life quickly and easily. No experience needed.

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Frequently asked questions.

Can I use Adobe Express to add text to my resized YouTube banner?
Yes, Adobe Express offers easy-to-use design tools to add text, graphics, shapes, and so much more to your resized YouTube banner. You can customize your banner with various fonts, colors, and styles to make it more appealing.
How long does it take to resize an image for a YouTube banner using Adobe Express?
It’s quick and easy to resize your YouTube banner with Adobe Express. After uploading your image and selecting the desired dimensions, you can download the resized banner almost immediately.
Can I use Adobe Express to resize images for YouTube banners on my mobile device?
Yes, Adobe Express is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. You can easily resize your images for YouTube banners using the Adobe Express mobile app or through your mobile browser.
Can I save my resized YouTube banner projects for future edits in Adobe Express?
Yes, if you have an Adobe account, you can save your projects and revisit them for future edits. Go back anytime to make edits as needed.
Can I get Adobe Express for free? If so, what’s included?
Yes, Adobe Express has a free plan that includes core features like photo editing tools and effects and thousands of free templates. Learn more about our plans and pricing.