Free AI background remover.
Instantly remove distracting backgrounds from photos with the AI background remover. Swap in a new background, add graphics, and edit them further in Adobe Express, the quick and easy create-anything app.

Drag and drop an image
or browse to upload.
File must be JPEG, JPG or PNG and up to 40MB
By uploading your image or video, you agree to the Adobe Terms of use and Privacy Policy
1. Select.
Choose an image with a clear subject that does not overlap with anything else for the best results.
2. Erase.
Upload your image to the AI background remover and watch your background disappear.
3. Continue editing.
Download your new image as a PNG file with a clear background to save, share, or keep editing in Adobe Express.
See what people are saying about Adobe Express.

Do more with background-free images.
Make the subject your focal point with the free AI background remover, so you can drop your new image into various backgrounds and visual projects. Replace the background with tons of royalty-free Adobe Stock wallpapers and images to choose from or upload your own to make your project authentically yours. Take away distractions in a photo and put the spotlight on your subject with the AI background remover.
An easy-to-use AI background remover.
Removing the background from a photo has never been easier. Just upload your photo into the AI background remover, and your image will be ready to download in minutes. Publish your image across your social channels or continue to edit it in Adobe Express.

Endless photo possibilities start with the AI background remover.
Edit your background-free photo in Adobe Express in new and exciting ways. Add in a bold color background and build a DIY frame with graphic elements. Apply a filter or animate the subject of the photo to create a unique short video. Or, use the AI background remover on several images and combine them into one visual project for a collage-style effect.
Stand out with Adobe Express.
Adobe Express is the quick and easy create-anything app to make impactful social posts, images, videos, flyers, presentations, documents, and more. Create standout content fast, regardless of skill level, with powerful generative AI, easy-to-use editing tools, thousands of customizable templates, and Adobe Stock design assets at your side.

Start customizing with tons of templates and assets at your side.
How would your edited, transparent photo look on a book cover? What about an informational flyer or social media post? Use an Adobe Express template to kickstart your design, then personalize it with fonts, icons, GIFs, and, of course, your new dynamic photo. Elevate your designs quickly and easily with Adobe Express on your side.
Frequently asked questions.
Is the AI background remover easy to use?
Can I remove the background on my phone?
How do I use the AI background remover to get a transparent background?
Can I change the photo’s background?
Can I use Adobe Express for free? If so, what’s included?
Discover more for photography.

Take your photography to the next level.
Get advanced tools for editing, composing, and transforming your images into anything you can imagine with Adobe Photoshop.