
Free SWOT analysis chart maker.

Start building a personalized SWOT analysis online for yourself or your business using the Adobe Express SWOT analysis maker for free.

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Start with free SWOT analysis templates from Adobe Express.

Highlight those all-important Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats with a clear and pleasing design. Make your SWOT analysis quickly and easily starting with a professionally designed Adobe Express template. Choose a look that best matches your industry, niche, or personal branding. Or create your own from scratch using a variety of charts and grids options. Then finalize your design and get your point across with Adobe Stock icons, graphics, shapes, and more. No experience required to create a stand-out SWOT analysis chart.

Craft a knockout SWOT analysis with Adobe Express.

SWOT analyses are important tools in project planning, whether personally or professionally. It’s important to create a document that is easy to refer to as you make progress towards your goals and share it with others. In Adobe Express, you can create a visually stunning SWOT analysis chart from our extensive collection of templates or realize your vision from scratch using preformatted charts. Switch up the text and use icons, shapes, and borders to highlight the important details of the document.

Brand your SWOT analysis for a cohesive look.

Whether your organization fills out SWOT analyses quarterly or just at the start of a new initiative, affixing your branding to the chart can help your team envision the goal. Easily add your brand logo, color scheme, fonts, and any other design element that makes you easily recognizable. You can also create your own template to return to time and again.

Frequently asked questions.

What is a SWOT analysis chart?

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The four-quadrant chart allows you to analyze where you stand at the beginning of a project and forecast any roadblocks before you get going. The chart includes clear headers and content is typically filled in as bullet points or in paragraph form.

How can I create a SWOT analysis chart from scratch?

You can easily create a SWOT analysis chart from scratch in the Adobe Express full editor by accessing the Charts and grids option on the menu. From there you can browse different table layouts that best fit your style. Customize everything from the table color and font style to the number of rows, columns, and grid size. Finally, you’ll be ready to fill in your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

What should I include in my SWOT analysis?

The most pertinent information, of course, is going to be your four-part analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Don’t forget to include clear headers to organize your content. Add your logo and branding for a polished, signature touch.

Can I create my own SWOT analysis template?

Any new or existing project can be turned into a shareable template. To turn your SWOT analysis chart into a template, click on the three-dot menu at the left of the Download button and follow the steps to turn your design into a template.

Can I get Adobe Express for free? If so, what’s included?

Yes, we have a free plan available for anyone. Enjoy everything you need to stand out, including thousands of templates, hundreds of Adobe Stock images, photo editing and effects, and much more. Visit our plans and pricing for details.

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