Free random logo generator.
Create a standout random logo in seconds that you can customize in any way and share to any destination.

How to make a random logo.

Tell us about your idea.
Enter the name of your brand or business and share your slogan if you have one. Then choose a style that resonates with your vision.

Pick an icon and generate a logo.
Pick a free icon to add to your logo, then generate tons of logo designs made just for your brand or business. Play around with your choices to see new results.

Customize or download your logo.
Download your new random logo as a PNG file to save, share, or keep editing in Adobe Express.
Make stunning designs with the random logo generator.
Create unique and eye-catching logos for your brand, business, or team with the random logo generator. Use the logo generator to make several different logo versions that you can then share with your team or peers. There are endless ways to get creative designing and customizing your logo.

Customize, download, and share your logo instantly.
Use the full Adobe Express online editor to make precise adjustments and variations of your random logo. When you’re finished, download it as high-quality PNG and JPG files. Upload your logo to the Brands section in Adobe Express to instantly apply it to future designs. Feature your logo on flyers, business cards, merchandise, marketing materials, social media, and anything else you can dream of.
Browse logo templates and ideas.
Select from a variety of options for fonts, colors, styles, and icons, and then instantly publish your logo to debut your brand. There are countless creative ways to make an impactful logo using the power of randomization. If you find yourself short on ideas, explore our logo template library to kickstart your creativity. Adobe Express comes loaded with thousands of professionally designed logos like the examples below.
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