Echemos un vistazo al tipo de imagen que puede obtener con Photoshop mientras se familiariza con la interfaz.
This video introduces you to some core functionality of Photoshop that is essential to your photo-editing journey.
Imagine the possibilities
Explore the kinds of images you can make in Photoshop as you get to know the interface.
Discover the Layers panel
Learn some fundamentals of working with layers in the Layers panel.
Try out key tools
Experiment with tools you’ll use often, like the Move tool to move content around and the Spot Healing Brush tool to remove unwanted objects.
Explore the options bar
Learn about key tool settings in the options bar, like brush size for the Spot Healing Brush tool.
Make basic photo edits
Explore how to edit your photos flexibly with adjustment layers.
Instructor and Photographer
Elise Swopes
Adobe Stock Contributors
Shutter Stock
28 de abril de 2023Recibirás instrucciones paso a paso que te orientarán por la interfaz.