The features customization panel is only available for Acrobat.
The Features panel allows you to choose what optional components to install. The features list is identical to the Custom Installation options that are presented during a manually run install. You can enable and disable installation and access to features such as PDF makers, languages, Preflight, etc.
Control feature installation¶
To modify any of the available components, do the following:
Select a feature from the list in the left pane.
Edit the description in the Description box.
Configure whether the feature should display on the Custom Installation screen by setting the Visible drop-down list:
Visible and Collapsed
Visible and Expanded
Not Visible
Set how the feature will be installed by setting the Initial State drop-down:
This Feature will be installed on the local hard drive
This Feature will not be available
If you specify an Interactive installation and the Features setting is Visible, the user will be able to change the initial state.
Features to install