Enterprise Toolkit | Macintosh Plist Reference

12_14_2021 (December 2021 updates)

New and changed preferences for this release.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

Reflow editing

Summary table
bEnableReflowEditing Specifies whether to lock ReflowEditing and the reflow feature.
ReflowEditing Specifies whether to enable reflow mode when editing a PDF.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Acrobat
Data type 0 (bool)
Default 0
Version # December 2021 Continuous track
User Path TouchUp
Lock Path See EnableReflowEditing
Summary Specifies whether to enable reflow mode when editing a PDF.
Details As Liquid Mode becomes a ubiquitous part of PDF workflows, reflow will become a standard feature. Currently, editing a PDF does not support reflow, and text boxes/areas do not resize as needed. This feature supports changing the container size to match the contents. Support for reflow is rolling out incrementally in 2022. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't use reflow when editing.
  • 1: Reflow
GUI mapping Preferences > Content Editing > Enable Auto-adjust layout by default
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Acrobat
Data type 0 (bool)
Default 1
Version # December 2021 Continuous track
Lock Path FeatureLockDown
Summary Specifies whether to lock ReflowEditing and the reflow feature.
Details See ReflowEditing for feature details. Possible values include:
  • 0: Disable and lock the feature.
  • 1: Don't lock the feature and allow the user to toggle it off an on from the Preferences UI.
GUI mapping Preferences > Content Editing > Enable Auto-adjust layout by default