Enterprise Toolkit > Windows Registry Reference
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Updater-Mac (Macintosh Updates)

These preferences control how the Updater works for the Acrobat family of products 9.2 and 8.1.7 and later. Earlier product versions used the Adobe Update Manager (AUM).

For a related Quick Key, see the Quick Key Library. .

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

Updater Configuration

These preferences control logging, when the Updater is invoked, how and when a check for updates should be made, and other behaviors.

Summary table
CheckForUpdatesAtStartup Specifies whether to check for updates on startup.
LastCheck-{hash of app location} Records the last time the Updater checked for updates.
LogLevel Sets the log level to either brief (0) or verbose (1).
noServerContactDays Sets the time that can elapse without a successful update before the Watchdog dialog appears suggesting the user manually update.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 9.2 and later
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Sets the log level to either brief (0) or verbose (1).
Details The log file is a file generated and appended to at runtime with status, operational, and error information describing what the Updater is doing. This information helps diagnose runtime problems and should be included with any support requests. Logging behaves as follows:
  • Logging cannot be disabled.
  • Logs reside at ${HOME}/Library/Logs/Adobe/{application name} Updater.log
  • Log file size is not limited during an update.
  • Log files are appended to each time the Updater runs. If an existing log is bigger than 1 MB, the Updater truncates the log. There is a 1MB limit on old logs.
  • Old log files are backed up once as Adobe Acrobat/Reader Updater-old.log and overwrites any existing old.log. There should never be more than two logs on the system.

Set the log level as follows:
  • Brief: defaults write com.adobe.ARM.plist LogLevel -int 0
  • Verbose: defaults write com.adobe.ARM.plist LogLevel -int 1
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 135
Version # 10.0 and later
HKCU Path AdobeARMOverrides.plist
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Sets the time that can elapse without a successful update before the Watchdog dialog appears suggesting the user manually update.
Details When the Updater successfully obtains a manifest it records the download date. The noServerContactDays preference specifies the time interval that is allowed to pass from that download date to a a successful update. The default is 135 days. If thetime has elapsed, a dialog appears suggesting the user might want to manually get an update from adobe.com.
Not modifiableSupported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type integer: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default null
Version # 9.2 and later
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Records the last time the Updater checked for updates.
Details By default, the Updater checks for updates every 3 days. When invoked, it reads the value in this key. If more than 3 days have elapsed, it checks for updates. The 3 day default can be overridden via the StartInterval key (A Mac key).

LastCheck is really LastCheck-XXX where "XXX" is a hash of the folder containing the application.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # 8.0 < 10.0
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to check for updates on startup.
Details This per user setting was used by the Adobe Update Manager and is now used by the new Updater.
  • 0: Don't check for updates.
  • 1: Check for updates.
GUI mapping Preferences > Updater