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IPM (In product messaging)

Acrobat products have the ability to display messages on application startup as well as in dialogs or in various areas of the UI. For Reader, messages can also appear when a document opens. These messages may include information about other products, features, or services, including UI which promotes Acrobat as an alternative to Reader. For related preferences, see bAcroSuppressUpsell and other upsell preferences.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

In Product Messaging

See above.

Summary table
bAllowUserToChangeMsgPrefs Locks the features associated with bShowMsgAtLaunch and bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc so that ends users can't change the settings.
bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
bShowMsgAtLaunch Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when the product launches.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # 10.0+
HKLM Path FeatureLockDown\cIPM
Summary Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
Details This preference also controls messages in the right-hand pane for 12.x and later products as well as the "Learn More" link, including the "Start Free Trial" message promoting Acrobat. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
  • 1: Show messages from Adobe when a document opens.
GUI mapping Preferences > General > Don't show messages while viewing a document
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # 10.0+
HKLM Path FeatureLockDown\cIPM
Summary Specifies whether to show messages from Adobe when the product launches.
Details This preference also hides the Share Feedback icon, removes messages such as the 11.x "end-of-life" warning, and disables the dialog prompt that urges users to complete their profile. In later product versions, this preference removes the Home banner (top message area) from the Home view. Possible values include:
  • 0: Don't show messages from Adobe when the product launches.
  • 1: Show messages from Adobe when the product launches.
GUI mapping Preferences > General > Show me messages when I launch Reader.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default N/A
Version # 10.0+
HKLM Path FeatureLockDown\cIPM
Summary Locks the features associated with bShowMsgAtLaunch and bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc so that ends users can't change the settings.
Details Possible values include:
  • 0: Locks the feature so end users can't change the settings.
  • 1: Allows users to change the settings. A value of 1 has the same affect as this key not existing at all.
GUI mapping Preferences > General > product messaging settings (see above)