Enterprise Toolkit | Windows Registry Reference

07_12_2022 (July 2022 updates)

New preferences for July 2022.

This preference category contains the following subfeature(s):

Modern Viewer: A new Acrobat UI

This release begins an incremental rollout of a new, modern user interace for Acrobat and Reader. Users can switch between the old and new UI by choosing View > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Mac) or Hamburger menu > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Windows). As of July 2022, 5% of users have this UI automatically enabled.

New menu item on the old viewer

Modern viewer UI menu item

Summary table
bEnableAv2 Specifies whether to show the modern viewer first released in July 2022.
bShownHomeOnboarding Specifies whether to invoke the home onboarding tour when the modern viewer is invoked the first time.
bShownViewerOnboarding Specifies whether to invoke the new viewer onboarding tour when a PDF opens in the modern viewer the first time.
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAV2Shown Specifies whether to show the "Acrobat has a new look" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
iNumSwitcherContextualToolTipAVShown Specifies whether to show the "Try the new Acrobat/Reader" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 0
Version # July 2022, Continuous track
HKCU Path AVGeneral
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to show the modern viewer first released in July 2022.
  • 0: Show the classic viewer.
  • 1: Show the modern viewer.
GUI mapping In the modern viewer: View > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Mac) or Hamburger menu > Enable|Disable New Acrobat (Windows).
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # July 2022, Continuous track
HKCU Path AVGeneral
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to show the "Acrobat has a new look" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
Details Once the coachmark displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
  • 0: Do not show the coachmark.
  • 1: Show the coachmark.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # July 2022, Continuous track
HKCU Path AVGeneral
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to show the "Try the new Acrobat/Reader" coachmark after launching Acrobat the first time.
Details Once the coachmark displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
  • 0: Do not show the coachmark.
  • 1: Show the coachmark.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # July 2022, Continuous track
HKCU Path FTEDialog
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to invoke the new viewer onboarding tour when a PDF opens in the modern viewer the first time.
Details Once the viewer onboarding tour displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
  • 0: Do not show the onboarding tour.
  • 1: Show the onboarding tour.
Supported on WindowsSupported on MacSupported by AcrobatSupported by Adobe Reader
Data type boolean: DWORD value > REG_DWORD
Default 1
Version # July 2022, Continuous track
HKCU Path FTEDialog
HKLM Path Not lockable
Summary Specifies whether to invoke the home onboarding tour when the modern viewer is invoked the first time.
Details Once the home onboarding tour displays, the app automatically resets this value to 0. This preference has no effect if bEnableAv2 is 0.
  • 0: Do not show the onboarding tour.
  • 1: Show the onboarding tour.