Try these prompts to get insights, perspective, and tips straight from your doc.
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Point out tech advantages

What are the key benefits for users of this proposed technology solution?
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Discover false info fast

Which claims in this document seem to be exaggerated or require further verification?
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Take action on tips

How difficult would it be for a business to implement the tips outlined in this guide?
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Sum up any meeting

According to this transcript, what were the main discussion topics in this meeting?
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Put your content to work

How can this content be used as an onboarding or educational tool for our employees?
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Identify the main point

What is the most important thing to know about findings based on the available data?
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Find your ideal audience

What types of audiences would benefit from reading this content?
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Cut out repetition

What content seems repetitive and could potentially be cut?
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Switch it up for new audiences

How could I position this presentation for employees instead of managers?
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Make it even better

What are some specific ways to improve the copy in the overview section?
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Identify the key challenge

Of the steps outlined, which one is likely the most challenging to perform?
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Complement your docs

What could be a companion piece to this document?
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Find risks of skipping advice

What are the potential downsides of not following the advice in this handbook?
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Anticipate customer concern

What objections might our customers have to the solution offered in this guide?
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Detect risks and benefits

What are the potential risks and benefits of applying the proposed strategy?
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See what your doc is missing

What are some factors not outlined in this document that could impact buyers’ decisions?
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Discover data outliers

Are there any outliers in the data that could impact the findings?
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Identify effects of data trends

What are the impacts of these trends over the long term?
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Sum up any doc

Explain this document in 3 sentences.
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Find tips to solve any problem

What are some troubleshooting tips that I can start doing?
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Sign your lease confidently

Give me the pros and cons of signing this new lease.
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Travel like an expert

Based on this European travel book, which destinations would be best for a family?
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Understand the fine print

What are the most important things to understand about this credit card?
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Understand opposing views

What is a counterargument to the position this report takes?
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Focus on the main subject

Which subject does the author spend the most time discussing?
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Drive your point home

Where and how can I strengthen my position in this paper?
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Make your report stand out

What are some creative ways to use the content for a school report?
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Identify test-worthy topics

What topic in this paper could potentially show up in a test question?
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Summarize the plot

Describe the themes and character arcs noted in this document.