

Premiere Pro vs. Premiere Elements: How to select the video editing program for you.

Access all the advanced editing features that professionals use with Adobe Premiere Pro or start with Adobe Premiere Elements, a user-friendly app for beginners.

A professional film crew captures video with a camera while a content creator captures video with a smartphone
A video editor making adjustments and tweaks to a video using Premiere Pro

Audio editing capabilities.
Perform essential audio editing tasks in Premiere Elements, like adjusting the levels on four individual audio tracks and one music track, reducing noise in your audio, adjusting bass and reverb, and automatically remixing music tracks to match the length of your videos.

With Premiere Pro, however, you can go further with your audio editing using advanced features and additional space for more audio tracks. Adjust both the input volume (gain) and output volume (volume) of your tracks, remove certain frequencies, and even download royalty-free stock audio, including sound effects and music tracks.

A video editor making adjustments and tweaks to a video using Premiere Pro