The best video editor for iPad.

Using your tablet to edit videos can be handy. Learn how to recognize important features that make choosing an editing app easier.

Feature-rich video editing apps make working with your tablet super convenient. You can edit in the field and on the fly. To find the best editing app for your tablet, make sure your choice has all the key features you need.

Essential features of the best video editing apps.

There is a world of possibilities when it comes to mobile apps and other video editing software. Look for something that meets your needs today, and consider how your app will help you learn and develop new video editing skills. Find a solution that will grow with you as you learn new techniques to make even better videos.

Start your search with a list of “must-haves” — features that you know you can’t live without. This process will reduce the field of possible solutions by eliminating those that don’t meet your needs.

Essential features include:

Learn more about tablet video editing tips so you can enjoy the freedom of editing on the go.

Take a moment to explore everything you can do with Adobe Premiere Rush to edit like a pro using your tablet.