

Get the right look, every time.

Quickly balance colors and match shots from different cameras to ensure consistency from scene to scene. Then use color grading tools to add drama, visual interest, and emotion to your story.

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An image showing UI of Premiere Pro's color grading tools.

Control your colors.

Give your work a distinct, consistent look from frame to frame and make everything from deep shadows to bright skies a multi-hued feast for the eyes.

Ensure color continuity from scene to scene.

Make basic corrections to exposure, white balance, and contrast in a snap with Auto Color. Preserve natural skin tones and automatically match color between shots with Color Match. Use Color Wheels to adjust shadows, midtones, and highlights, and see the difference side by side with Comparison View.

An image with the Auto Color panel screenshot
Illustration of light balance being adjusted by a woman's face

Use color to set the mood.

Natural and consistent color is just the beginning. Shape the mood of your project with tools to shift vibrance, saturation, and tint. Isolate a specific color, make precise changes to contrast, or apply a vignette to fade the edges of a clip and draw attention to a focal point.

Create a unique look.

Take advantage of Lumetri looks to emulate different film stock and give your footage a timeless cinematic look. Also, use Look Up Tables (LUTs) to create and save your own custom color grades to give your clips a unique, consistent style. Adapt your LUTs to look great with any RAW or encoded format.

An image showing the Lumetri Color panel being used to adjust a photo
The Lumetri Scopes panel being used to edit a photo

Do even more with advanced color tools.

Easily edit advanced settings with Lumetri Color. Monitor color and luminance levels with total accuracy with hardware-accelerated Lumetri scopes like Vectorscope, Histogram, Parade, and Waveform.

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