4 tips for striking urban landscape photography.

Learn how to capture the beauty of the built environment.

Landscape photography evokes images of sweeping natural scenes, like ocean vistas, grand canyons, towering forests and dramatic cliffs — but the built environment can be just as dynamic and breathtaking if you know what to look for and how to compose it. Learn more about how to create stunning urban landscape photography by shifting your perspective, playing with light and shadow, and focusing on the qualities that make your location unique.

Quick tips for your urban photoshoot.

  1. Be mindful of context. People make a city what it is. The most evocative urban landscape photos capture people in the context of their environment: sitting at a café on a bustling street, lined up in front of a grand art museum, strolling amongst skyscrapers, or even just lounging in a park. Photographing people in the context of an urban landscape gives a unique sense of culture and place while retaining the exciting scale of a city.
  2. Broaden your perspective. An urban landscape doesn't just have to be the New York skyline. It can be any interestingly built environment, from a sleepy town library to a bustling business corridor. Broadening your idea of an urban landscape will help you find interesting new subjects wherever you go.
  3. Try new points of view. Aerial photography can be an exciting new way to see your city subject. Try experimenting with drone photos for a bird's-eye perspective on those tall buildings, crowded streets, and city events like park concerts and festivals. It's also a great idea for night photography, when the city is lit up in new ways.
  4. Take advantage of light and shadow. City buildings cast interesting and dramatic shadows. Try shooting scenes at different times of day to pinpoint the best locations and hours for shadows.

Elevate your urban scene with edits.

Discover more techniques for brilliant urban landscapes, and then check out Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom for masterful editing.