Creative photoshoot ideas for your next session.

Gather creative inspiration with these photoshoot ideas as you deepen your skills and gain new techniques as a photographer.

When you see impressive photos in magazines or on social media, it’s easy to forget how much planning occurs behind the scenes before a photoshoot even starts. That’s why taking the time to brainstorm new ideas and plan your shoots before you even pick up your camera can help you become a better photographer and nail the type of shots you’re aiming for. Let’s dive into some planning tips and ideas for your next session.

Where to find inspiration for your photoshoots.

Constantly challenging yourself to come up with new photoshoot ideas will deepen your skills and help you learn new photographic techniques. Start by looking for inspiration around you, such as magazine articles, films, or social media accounts. Even paying attention to color schemes that interest you can generate a creative new photoshoot idea.

Photoshoot ideas for your next session.

Here are some locations and ideas to inspire your next photoshoot:

  • Shoot in natural locations such as beaches, mountains, or flower fields.
  • Take creative shots of an entire meal, from the prep to cooking to plating.
  • Shoot a portrait through a window.
  • Create movement, such as throwing confetti or tossing a pile of papers.
  • Change your perspective by shooting a portrait from above or below.
  • Show depth in a photo by shooting a portrait in a sprawling vineyard.
  • Use mirrors to reflect light and capture objects and people from different angles.
  • When photographing people, have your subject choose a meaningful location.
  • Look for lines that draw the eye, such as hiking trails, bike paths, or even buildings.
  • Practice your bokeh skills by photographing a cityscape at night.
  • Recreate a photoshoot from one of your favorite books.

Take your photos to the next level.

Create visually stunning photos with programs like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, where you can edit your photos, apply presets, and add creative elements from anywhere in the world.

See what else you can do with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.