How to change eye color in Photoshop.

Change eye color, smooth skin texture, and more. Learn how to edit portraits naturally and creatively.

Portrait photography seems like a pretty straightforward art form, without much room for creativity. However, with the right editing tools, you can create one-of-a-kind photos. Try these tips for making subtle yet effective portrait edits.

Ideas to elevate your portrait.

  • Experiment with eye color: We’re naturally drawn to eyes. So why not play around with your subject’s eye color? You can add sparkle, contrast, or even change the eye color completely for an eerie effect. To do so, you’ll want to select the eye area with your Pen in Adobe Photoshop, and then add a hue adjustment layer. Play with the Color Slider until you have the tone you’re looking for.
  • Smooth out the edges: Photo editing software like Photoshop also allows you to easily touch up and smooth out any blemishes or wrinkles with its Spot Healing Brush.
  • Play with gradients: Photoshop’s Gradient tool can change your portrait’s entire feel by adding a layer of atmospheric color in varied hues. This tool produces a striking effect when applied to the right photoshoot setting, such as an outdoor environment, by bringing out its natural colors and adding an ethereal feel.
  • Try double exposure: The double exposure technique makes for incredibly creative portrait interpretations. With double exposure photography, you layer a photo on top of your portrait in order to add an element of further intrigue or customization. Landscape photos work especially well for this cool technique.

Try it yourself.

Whether you’re changing eye color or combining images, the editing phase of portrait photography provides limitless creative potential. Explore what you can do in Photoshop for all of your portrait editing needs. And get more pro tips for staging and shooting as you continue to refine your craft.