

Photography for beginners.

If you’re shooting on your phone or trying out a DSLR, we’ll help you develop your style with confidence.

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Explore Photography


Learn the photography basics

Understand the exposure triangle

Equipment and settings

Perfect your photo art

Learn photography techniques

Edit like a pro

Get inspired

Make the basics of photography a breeze.

Discover the world of beginner photography with helpful tips, tricks, and articles on everything from the basics of camera equipment and settings to info on the most current terminology, creating photo art, portraiture, bokeh, blur and other techniques, pro editing pointers, and so much more. Read on to get all the details.

Learn photography basics.

Whether you’re a total beginner or a passionate hobbyist, get the lowdown on photography basics. Discover how to use a camera, learn about different types of photography, and explore some of the most effective techniques.

Understand the exposure triangle.

Three camera settings form the exposure triangle: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. You’ll be on track to take a top-quality photo when you get them working together.

Shutter speed

Adjust shutter speed to get crisp images of fast-moving objects or capture stunning blur effects.

Read more about shutter speed


Use your camera’s aperture settings to give images a realistic sense of depth.

F-stop Settings: Master this foundational skill


Control the light your camera lets in to brighten or darken an image.

Learn how ISO affects exposure and more

Photography basics: Equipment and settings.

Getting to know the basics of photography is the best way to get started. The first step is to learn about your camera, its main settings, and key photography terms.

Perfect your photo art.

Now you’ve got the foundations of photography down, let’s get you practicing and perfecting the craft. Check out these beginner-friendly guides and get going. Better yet, you can achieve all these looks on your smartphone.

Rule of thirds

Use the rule of thirds to get the right proportions and angles in your images.

Get more details on the rule of thirds


Embrace the shapes in your environment and make them shine in your shots.

Uncover the world of geometric shapes

Leading lines

Lead the eye through your image by perfectly positioning lines within the frame.

Learn how leading lines can draw attention

Learn photography techniques.

Learn from professional photographers schooled in various techniques and styles. Read on to explore top tips and advice so you nail every shot.

Edit like a pro.

Capturing all the details you saw in the moment can be super tricky. Luckily, you can achieve a lot with some tactical edits. Follow these step-by-step tutorials and discover the art of quick-win editing.

Brighten images

When you’re not 100% happy with your photo’s lighting, simply adjust it to match your vision.

Bring out the bright details with a photo editor

Enhance your photos

If you feel you’ve lost some texture in your image, use powerful editing tools to bring it back.

Get familiar with Adobe Express photo tools

Blur an image

Experiment with different points of focus by introducing impactful blur effects.

Blur static images for movement and more

Apply a double exposure effect

Experiment with double exposure using digital software to make your work stand out.

Learn how double exposure blends two into one

Create multiple focal points

Stack several photos together so more than one element sits in perfect focus.

Practice focal length stacking to make your point

Remove chromatic aberration

It can be a nuisance, but there are ways to use chromatic aberration creatively.

Make chromatic aberration work for you

Want to explore even more tutorials? Browse all our how-to guides below. Discover photography tips and tricks

Photography for beginners: Get inspired.

Now you’ve got the foundations of photography down, let’s get you practicing and perfecting the craft. Check out these beginner-friendly guides and get going. Better yet, you can achieve all these looks on your smartphone.


Get the lighting right and perfect exposure techniques to create flattering images of subjects.

Take your portraits to new heights

Still life

Whether you compose your scenes, or simply snap what you see, you can achieve many moods with still life photography.

Perfect the basics of still life photography


Immerse yourself in the wild and wait for the beauty to unfold. Take it all in with your camera.

Tell compelling stories with these nature photography tips


Focus on static scenes such as landscapes and experiment with framing, lighting, and perspective.

Explore the art of landscape photography


Combine two loves in one – express your passion for food with photos that’ll bring everyone to the table.

Dig into delicious food photography


Go in for a close-up and find a fresh way to capture the glorious details of the smaller things in life.

Go larger than life with macro photography


Produce perfectly styled, professional headshots, and you could commercialize your photography talents.

Take headshots like a boss


Get product photography right by learning how to style products, set up lighting, and combine different exposures.

Explore the world of commercial product photography


Learn how wedding photography experts capture all those loving and joyful moments on the big day.

Approach wedding day photography like a pro
