
What is an MXF file?

An MXF (Material eXchange Format) file is a type of video file extension known as a ‘container’. Much the same as a physical container at home, the MXF file stores things. But instead of physical items, an MXF file contains digital data, including:

  • Video data
  • Audio data
  • Timecodes
  • Codec instructions

Container files such as MXF work hand in hand with a technology called codecs, which compress the data to fit into the container file. The data/footage is then imported into video-editing or production software.

History of the MXF file.

The MXF file format was developed in Hollywood by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). Founded in the early days of cinema (1916), the SMPTE set the standards for moviemaking over the next few decades.

It developed initial guidelines on movie width and image format in the early 20th century and today maintains standards on everything from edge coding to digital sound. And it was the emergence of digital cinema which led the group to develop the MXF video file format.

The growing influence of digital technology in cinema and TV triggered a production revolution. Suddenly, multiple platforms and applications were being used to make and distribute content.

Increasingly, digital cameras captured footage and getting that footage from the camera to the video-editing software was problematic. Increasingly, ads were being made digitally, transferred to broadcasters as complete pieces of work, to insert into their schedules.

So, experts created the MXF format to counter the challenges raised by the technology to ensure interoperability of content between these different applications.

How to export or open an MXF file.

Generally, you’ll be exporting the file from the device or application you created it on, as the MXF file extension is a container rather than a file type.

Export an MXF file on Mac (Final Cut Pro).

To export an MXF file in Final Cut Pro on an Apple Mac, simply:

1. Select the project, clip, or range of clips in the browser or timeline.

2. Open in the timeline, then select View > select Optimized/Original.

3. Choose File > Share > Export File.

4. You’ll see a Share window. From here, you can view / modify its title or description.

5. Choose Settings in the centre of the Share window.

6. Choose Format > MXF, then choose a video codec.

7. Back to the Share window. Choose Roles > Roles as > pick an option.

8. Tap Next > choose location, the Save.



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