
What is a video file format?

The video file format is a type of file format used to store digital video that can be easily stored and played back.

Video files consist of ‘containers’ and ‘codecs’.

What are video file formats used for?

The main purpose of video file formats is to contain video data for storage and playback. But in order to play the video file on your computer, the file itself will need to be coded with the correct audio and video information.

There are many different video file types, all with their own specifications. Find out more about the different video formats.

What are the different types of video file formats?

There are a collection of different types of video file formats currently available that each have their own characteristics that make them perfect for video projects.

How to choose the best video file format for your project.

There are a few factors worth considering when you have to choose from different video formats for your project. Context is king, so you’ll need to consider the following factors:

  • Where it’s uploaded. Consider which platform you’ll be posting your video onto when it’s ready. Because different file formats will be compatible with different platforms, this one of the first things you should consider, as it lays the foundation for the other important factors that follow.
  • File size. Which video format size suits your project? If you’re looking to post on video sharing platforms such as TikTok or Instagram then you’ll want to opt for a small video file. But if it’s for a streaming service, then you may go for a larger file size.
  • Video Quality. As more and more platforms edge towards 4K, video quality has become more important than ever. If your video is for internal purposes, a client pitch for instance, don’t hold back on quality. But if it’s for personal use, such as TikTok, then the video quality may not need to be as high.
  • Content. If you’re making a long duration documentary style video about wildlife for example, choosing a video file that’s capable of handling high quality video and sound, as well as efficient processing rates are critical for capturing natural surroundings. On YouTube for example, if you’re making a video about “how to make the perfect poached eggs in 15 seconds”, the communication needs to be sufficient, concise and attention grabbing, whilst also getting the point across. In that situation, the more attention-grabbing it is, the better.



Begin your next video production the right way and perfect your creations with amazing video editing software:

Adobe Premiere Pro After Effects Media Encoder

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