Watch the on-demand digital event: Building Brand Creativity, Consistency, and Communications

Half a century ago, corporate brand standard manuals instructed employees in the proper application of the logo and layouts for visual communications. But today, business moves fast. Brand managers and creative teams now flex as the business flexes, using dynamic style guides to support and nurture the customer experience. Creating a brand system provides the necessary guardrails and guidelines on the proper use of visuals and voice while consistently building a company’s brand. Learn how design and marketing teams can work in tandem to develop on-brand communication requirements, such as design systems, collateral guides, and communication templates, that blend creativity and consistency to stand out in an ever-changing landscape. Join us to learn more about:

  • Collaboration best practices in brand management from COLLINS, Ad Age’s 2023 Transformation Firm of the Year. Senior Designer Morgan Light will speak to COLLINS studio's experience in managing the major rebranding of an always-on digital service, keeping an enterprise organization of over 400,000 on track, and working closely with marketing teams at small start-ups.
  • How to use brand-locked templates and brand asset libraries to empower designers and marketers with creating derivative content, social campaigns, multi-channel assets, localized content, and more.


Morgan Light Senior Designer

Alex Athanasiou
Senior Strategic Initiatives Manager

Demo Artist:
Toren Reaves Creative Community Advocate