Dream it, type it, see it.
Create richer, more photorealistic images with the most advanced Generative Fill yet, now with the power of the latest Adobe Firefly Image Model. Use a simple description to easily add and remove content from your images. Generate more lifelike results, get more detail and sharpness, and use Generate Similar to create variations of your favorite outputs.
Plus, extend your canvas with Generative Expand. Just click and drag beyond the borders of an image with the Crop tool, and then fill the extended canvas with new content that blends with the existing image.
More ideas, less time.
Quickly explore and experiment with ideas. Use Generative Fill to create dozens of high-quality concepts quickly. And create variations of your favorite generated images with Generate Similar.
Plus, use Reference Image in the Photoshop (beta) app to visually guide your results by uploading an image to go with your prompt — perfect for hard-to-describe details.
Generative AI meets Photoshop fine-tuning.
Create more with complete control. Integrated into Photoshop, Generative Fill and Generative Expand allow you to make fast, powerful edits and additions to images, and then perfect them with more precise editing tools. Plus, you can try these features in your browser with Photoshop on the web and on the iPad app.