The power of AI image style transfer.
By adding a reference image along with your word prompt, you can give your logo the right watercolor effect or add dramatic lighting to a portrait you want to generate. With Generative Match in Firefly, you can use image style transfer to take greater creative control of your image generation.
Upload your own image to generate images in your unique style. Or apply a style reference from the curated gallery, which includes dozens of options in several categories, including Watercolor, Pencil, 3D, Neon, Landscapes, Texture, and more.
Create spot-on content.
Generate assets for articles, blogs, and social media posts with reference images so that whatever you make fits in with the rest of your content.
Get to the right images faster.
Change your designs as fast as you change your mind, or as needed to keep up with the latest trends. Make quick updates to color, style, and texture without starting from scratch.
Guide your work with precision.
Upload your own image as a reference and then create AI art, illustrations, product concepts, logos, advertisements, or other materials that stick to your vision and stay true to your brand.