What’s included with Premiere Pro?
Your subscription entitles you to Premiere Pro software and access to all our tutorials to help bring your video vision to life. It also comes with free transitions, templates, and animated titles to level up your content. You get free footage and music tracks from Adobe Stock as well as the video collaboration platform Frame.io for Creative Cloud, which makes getting feedback on your videos a breeze.
Can I use Premiere Pro on a mobile device?
No, because Premiere Pro is a desktop app. If you’re shooting on the go and want to make a quick edit on your phone, you can work in the Premiere Rush mobile app — it’s included with every Premiere Pro subscription.
Which hardware, plug-ins, and services integrate with Adobe video and audio apps?
Adobe tools integrate with hundreds of partner technologies.
Are there options for enterprise customers?
Creative Cloud for enterprise includes everything global organizations depend on for video production and connected collaboration.
Can I use Premiere Pro to edit social videos?
Definitely. If you’re a social video creator with a vision and want to fuel your own creativity, Premiere Pro can help you tell your story. Click here|editing video for socials to learn more.