Adobe powers the world’s most visionary brands.
“The assets we created in Adobe [Substance 3D] Stager are completely on brand, rendered amazingly quickly, and they look hyper-realistic. Anybody who looked at them wouldn’t be able to tell that they weren’t just shot using traditional photography.”
Gail Cummings
Global Digital Design Lead, Ben & Jerry’s
“3D is a crucial part of how we explore the brand in a digital workflow. Adobe Substance 3D Stager takes the barrier of entry out of 3D design by enabling us to skip physical mockups and look at feedback faster. We’ve been able to bring digital design entirely in-house.”
Benny Lee
Global Manager of Experiential Design, Coca-Cola Company
“Before, we’d use separate workflows to create different textures. With Substance Painter, we could make different ones at once and quickly turn whatever we were imagining into reality. This has allowed us to reduce production costs while improving quality.”
Masaaki Kazeno
Character Modeling Director, Square Enix