Waste reduction
By the end of 2016, over 98 percent of our licensed products were delivered digitally, effectively eliminating our physical supply chain and drastically reducing the amount of waste produced by our business.
However, we are constantly working toward reducing whatever waste we produce in our operations and numérique delivery. For the waste we do generate, we work with local partners to responsibly divert it from ever reaching landfill, to compost, recycling and especially re-use whenever possible.
Employees actively engage in recycling, composting and re-use programs at our facilities worldwide where possible. As a result, we have achieved a 92% global in 2017. Paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum cans, printer toner cartridges, kitchen grease and batteries are recycled. Food waste, landscaping waste, paper utensils and food contenants are composted.
For all of our end-of life IT equipment, SIMS Recycling is Adobe's responsible, global e-waste collection and management partner.
IT equipment and office furniture that still has life in it – and anything that can be repaired or repurposed – is sent to partners such as Green Standards for a new life. While the path to a circular economy is a long one, we are doing our best to push it forward.