
How to crop PDF pages online

Learn how to crop a PDF document online:

An icon shows Acrobat's PDF crop online technology used in the crop tool.
  1. Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop files into the drop zone.
  2. Select the PDF file you want to crop.
  3. After Acrobat uploads the PDF, sign in to crop pages in your file.
  4. Acrobat automatically outlines the first PDF page with a rectangular cropping border. Drag the border handles to resize the page as desired.
  5. Select Crop to save your cropped file.
  6. Apply your crop settings to additional pages by setting the page range or click All under Page Range.
  7. Click OK and save your file.

An Acrobat PDF file icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop a PDF

Crop white margins from a PDF

A document icon with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can crop your file to the right size

Crop PDF pages to the right size

Multiple document icons with crop tabs around the edges showing how you can apply cropping to pages

Apply cropping to other pages

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