Tutorial prático


2 min

Aplicar efeitos impressionantes às letras

No segundo tutorial desta série, você aplicará cores e efeitos para destacar suas letras em cartões postais e folhetos.

Start with core concepts

This video introduces creative ways to enhance your text using colorful fills and strokes and demonstrates effects by applying a drop shadow.

What you'll learn

Punch up text with color

Spice up your lettering with colors you add to the fill and stroke of your text. 

Refine lettering strokes for depth

Add depth to your lettering by editing stroke options like weight, alignment, and corner.

Add a drop shadow effect 

Apply and edit effects to add a dimensional drop shadow to your lettering.


Brian Wood


Wendy Strauss

Adobe Stock Contributors:



Ton Photographer4289

NA Creative

Behance Contributors

Alex Mavigok

Anne Seitz

Ruth Vissing

Sadvini S L

8 de março de 2023

Experimente estes tutoriais no Illustrator

Crie ilustrações e outros elementos gráficos com vetores.