Make sure your entire team is using the same assets — and, crucially, the same versions of those assets — by sharing Adobe Creative Cloud Libraries with each member.
Within one of your Creative Cloud desktop apps, open the Libraries Options menu and choose Collaborate. In the browser window that opens, enter email addresses separated by commas and click Invite. Your collaborators will receive an email invitation to use the private library.
Note: Collaborators require an Adobe ID. They can get a free Adobe ID if they don’t already have one.
Once you’ve added collaborators, choose which actions they can take by designating permissions.
Select Can Edit to let collaborators view, edit, add, and delete assets from a library, as well as invite other collaborators.
Select Can View to let collaborators view and use read-only versions of the library assets.
All collaborators can see updates made to the library.
Alternatively, choose Share Link from the Library Options menu to create a public link that lets anyone with the link download a copy of your library. Once a colleague downloads the copy, that person will be able to edit the contents independently of your original.
To allow anyone with the public link to follow your library, select Allow Follow under Additional Options. This lets followers use the assets but not make changes to the library, and they will automatically receive updates when you make changes. Select Allow Save to let anyone with the link to save a copy of your library to his or her account.
Learn how to collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders.