
5 min

What are selections and why do you need them?

Discover when and why to make selections.

Zelfstudie weergeven in Photoshop
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What you learned: Common uses for selections

What is a selection?

A selection is a way to isolate part of an image so your edits will affect only that area.

Why make a selection?

Common reasons to make a selection are to:

  • Change the appearance of part of an image by applying a filter or other effect to the selection;

  • Adjust part of a photograph by making a correction to the lighting or color of the selected area;

  • Replace a background by selecting and deleting the initial background and adding a different background instead;

  • Manipulate part of an image, such as copying or moving selected content.


Jan Kabili


Matt Hagen

25 augustus 2022

Probeer deze zelfstudies met Photoshop

Bewerk foto's om zo nieuwe afbeeldingen en illustraties te maken.