The ability to flip content directly in Adobe XD has been often requested by our users and is here at last. The tool can be applied to everything from tex,t to images, and vector objects with a few caveats. Let me go ahead and show you the feature in action.
When it comes to object flip you want to pay attention to how you selected the object on the canvas to begin with. I'd like to flip this image here at the top of this artboard. I'll click to select that image. And here in the Properties panel here on the right I can come in and flip it horizontally, or flip it vertically. These act almost like a toggle. So if I don't like a change that I've made clicking a second time will undo that change, or will revert it back to its previous state. As I move down on the canvas I can come in and apply this to text. I can select individual text containers and flip those; I can hit the ESC key and come up a level here, and flip the entire group or block of text objects. Once again, I can undo that change if I'd like.
When you're working with repeat grids you'll want to look at what you have selected. If I come in and select the entire grid, notice that it's grayed out as though I can't make that change. If I click a second time to get on in there and select the image inside of the repeat grid, I can come in and now flip all of the images at once.
If you'd like to get a sense of all the objects that you can apply object flip to I encourage you to check out the help documentation.