
Clean it up.

Removing minor blemishes and imperfections from your photos can have a major impact. Learn from Swedish visual artist Gabriel Isak as he retouches a photo in Adobe Photoshop by brushing away distractions with the Healing Brush, repositioning key elements with the Content-Aware Move tool and eliminating small imperfections with the Spot Healing Brush.

Headshot of Gabriel Isak - Visual artist and photographer

Based in Sweden, Gabriel Isak is a visual artist who focuses on themes related to psychology and dreams in his work. He received his BFA in photography from San Francisco’s Academy of Art and has since exhibited his work around the world.

Before you start retouching photos.

Use these sample images or practice with your own.

Step 1: Brush away distractions.

Isak selects the Healing Brush and brushes over the seams, zip and wrinkles in his photo. Each time you move to a new area, reset the source point for the brush using option-click (or alt-click).

Use the Healing Brush in Adobe Photoshop to hide zips and seams in the photo

Step 2: Reposition elements.

The Content-Aware Move tool, nested under the Healing Brush, allows Isak to easily move objects around. He makes sure that Mode is set to Move in the Options bar, draws a selection around the white ball and drags the object to its new position.

Use content aware move to move objects to new location in photo

Step 3: Eliminate imperfections.

Isak notices small imperfections around the white figure and uses the Spot Healing Brush to remove them.

Use Spot Healing Brush to remove small reflections in the water

Step 4: Never settle.

With a few simple adjustments, you can turn an almost-perfect photo into a perfect one.

Finished retouch photo placed in white picture frame on marble surface