Hands-on Tutorial


4 min

Use repetition for design consistency

Create harmony and unity in designs by repeating graphic elements, type styles, colors, and consistent placement.

What you’ll learn

Learn when to use repetition

Understand how repetition can be used to create meaning and unity

How to maintain intention with repetition

Determine your intention with using repetition as a tool

Instruction by

Brian Wood

Angad Singh

Design by

Hampton Duke Dunlap

Adobe Stock Contributors


Behance Contributors

Alejandro Rodríguez

Bo-Wei Wang

Piotr Szmilyk

My Name Is Will

Gretchka und Oblepikha Design

Taras L

Ihar Yukhnevich

Music by

Exiled King Audio

13 April 2023

Try these tutorials with Illustrator

Create illustrations and other graphics with vectors.