Triggers are one of the most powerful concepts in Adobe Character Animator. This tutorial walks you through creating a diverse range of triggers, including hand positions, looping fireballs, and blink cycles.
Build simple triggers and a swap set.
What you learned: Build basic triggers in the Triggers panel
Triggers can show or hide groups or layers when a key is pressed.
Dragging groups or layers into the Triggers panel will create them.
Latching is a way to keep a trigger in an on or off state like a lightswitch.
Swap sets are a special trigger group where only one asset is swapped in at a time.
Make triggers that also start behaviors.
What you learned: Make triggered behaviors
If a group has a behavior, that behavior will be activated when triggered.
The Cycle Layers behavior lets you make on demand frame-by-frame animations like explosions, fireballs, growing flowers, or arm raises.
The Fader behavior will fade artwork in and out when triggered.
The Cycle Pause tag pauses an animation sequence until it gets triggered again.
Add triggers to a character’s face.
What you learned: Trigger facial features
Adding triggers to a face gives more expressive possibilities for the eyes, mouth, and other features.
Swap sets replace parts with other parts, like a blink replacing the pupil and eyeball, or a sad mouth replacing a happy one.
Props like beards or sunglasses can appear or disappear through triggers.