How to Create a PDF Self-care Checklist.

Self-care is all about taking a few steps to make sure you’re looking after every aspect of who you are in the world. We’re complex beings, each with unique individual circumstances. Every day we engage in different activities and environments. All play a part in shaping our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. We need to take care of our well-being.

Illustration of person hugging self through a reflection in a mirror.

Knowing the self-care tools and self-care resources you have available to essential. Creating a PDF self-care checklist can help you keep on top of things and take care of yourself.

What you’ll learn

What are self-care checklists?

There is a common misconception that self-care is all about going on a retreat, visiting a spa, getting a massage, or taking a bubble bath. Or even taking a “Doona Day” or “Duvet Day”, now and then. Self-care can definitely include those activities, but in the bigger picture, they’re a lot more than that.

Self-care checklists are tools to help you manage all and any aspect of your life to stay as well as you can. They can take many forms and they're not self-care tools that are a one-size fits all. Self-care plans or checklists should be personalized. They can focus on individual areas of health, such as mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual health. Or they can incorporate elements of each into daily activities. They’re best created and customized to suit your lifestyle with activities that you will enjoy.

Illustration of sample self-care checklists.

Self-care checklists can be created to be a daily, weekly, monthly, or even annual reference. Getting started with daily self-care routines can help with achieving more long-term goals.

Self-care checklists are for everyone.

Self-care plans and checklists can benefit everyone and anyone at any stage of life. They’re a great tool to help manage your health and overall well-being. Self-management is self-empowerment. It’s all about taking positive steps to engage in healthy habits and activities now and in the future.

Creating self-care checklists with others.

At its core, a self-care checklist's fundamental point is identifying and including things that work for you. However, there are situations where you might want to create a self-care checklist with others. Some examples of how and when you might create self-care plans checklists with others include —

When you do create a self-care checklist with another person, it’s important to allow the other person to identify their needs. A very important part of self-care is recognizing what works for you as a person.

Why PDFs are good for self-care checklists.

Having a self-care checklist in PDF format is good for a few reasons —

Photo of a smartphone with the Acrobat PDF log on screen on top of a paper notebook with a pen.

  1. Portable document format files can be read on any device or system. So long as you’ve got a free PDF reader you can refer to your self-care checklist on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. PDF files are easy to print. If you want to print out a paper copy of your self-care checklist and stick it on your fridge, in a notebook, or on your wall, it’s simple to do so.
  3. PDF files can be interactive. If ticking off a checkbox gives you a sense of achievement, make your PDF interactive. Add tick boxes and links to websites with activities you want to include in your self-care plan.

What to include in a self-care checklist.

Below are some general suggestions to include in self-care checklists to get you started. Remember, we are dynamic human beings. You can do many things to help maintain your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health all with one activity.

Physical self-care.

Taking care of your body helps with all other aspects of your life. For example, doing physical activities you enjoy, eating nourishing foods, and spending time in natural environments have multiple benefits for your body and mind.

Mental self-care.

Taking care of your mental health not only helps with your thinking and ability to process information, but it also helps with staying positive during tough times.

Emotional self-care.

Taking care of emotional health is about engaging in healthy ways to express yourself and be yourself.

Environmental self-care.

Taking care of the wider environment you live in also goes a long way towards self-care.

Making changes to a PDF self-care checklist.

Once you’ve created a self-care checklist, the content doesn’t need to be static or set in stone. Self-care checklists can and do evolve— change can be good! You might want to add some activities, delete some, or combine a couple of lists into one.

Screenshot of the Acrobat online tools for working with PDFs.

With PDF files you can —

One of the things we like to do to get the most out of life is to put out useful articles for both individuals and businesses! Some of our recent topics with tips for daily life include —