How to prepare a business report PDF.

Are you tasked with writing a business report? Business reports are written and compiled every day in every sector and industry. Used to communicate and present information, analyse data and get insights, business reports can help you to make informed decisions, and more.

The nature and content of business reports will vary, depending on your organization, but in every situation having a clear and easy-to-read report format is vital. Read on to learn about how to write a business report, and what you can do with PDFs and Adobe Acrobat.

Photo of a keyboard and mouse, printed out copies of graphs, and a person's glasses on a desk.

What you’ll learn

The purpose of business reports.

The primary purpose of most business reports is to communicate and present important information and data about a business’s activities. Business reports may be written for different audiences, including internal and/or external stakeholders.

A business report may summarise a business’s overall activities. Or, a business report may be more detailed and specific, focussing on a particular business aspect — for example, human resource activities, finances, health and safety, sales, marketing, and so forth.

Different types of business reports.

There are various types of business reports. The type of business report you compile will depend on your specific purpose and the audience you want to reach. Even if you’re using a business report template to get started, always tailor the content you include to meet your communication goals and the people who will be reading and consuming your report.

Photo of three people in a meeting sitting at table with a laptop reviewing business reports.

Some common types of business reports, and their purposes, include —

Sections to include in a business report.

What you include in a business report will depend on the type of report you are writing, the nature of your business, and your intended audience. That said, there are some standard sections to include in a business report to help you organize content and present it in a way that your readers can navigate and understand. This includes —

Illustration of a business report template title page.

How to produce business report documents.

Often the compilation of a business report may involve re-presenting data and content already in various document formats, such as text from Word files, tables and charts in Excel, images, and photos, and so forth.

You can also create a business report directly as a new document in Adobe Acrobat. Or, explore free and editable business report templates in various formats in Adobe Express templates that you can customize and make your own.

Whichever apps you choose to compile your report format, the final versions of business reports are usually Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Why? Not only are business report PDFs easy to share and access from any device, but you can also protect your content from unauthorized access and changes with password protection and edit your PDF content as and when you need to.

You’ve not only got the option to convert files to PDF from within an Adobe Acrobat application but there’s also a lot you can do with Adobe Acrobat online. For example, with a business report, you might want to —

Tips for business report writing and formatting.

Just as you will tailor your content to suit the purpose and audience of your business report, the formatting of a business report may vary depending on the information presented.

Illustration depicting report template examples.

Be professional and get a little creative, if that suits your organization, but follow some standard business writing and formatting practices to ensure your business report is readable. These include —

Keep reading! Some of our other articles that may help with compiling and writing a PDF business report include —