How to create a budget template and small business budget basics.

No matter how big your business is — whether you’re a start-up, already operating as a small business, a sole trader, tradesperson, or a freelancer — or it’s crucial to manage your finances effectively. Creating and/or using an existing small business budget template is the first step and an invaluable tool to help you manage and monitor your expected income and expenses. Read on to learn some small business budget basics, and how to create a template for business budgets.

Photo of the owner of a flower shop working on a laptop at the counter.

What you’ll learn

Small business budget basics.

The basic elements of a small business budget involve all sources of income, all types of expenses, your tax obligations, and your financial goals.

Know your business and get advice when you need to.

As a small business owner or sole trader, you should have an understanding of the basics of these aspects of running a business when you prepare your small business budget — and be prepared to seek professional advice when and if you need to. Accountants and/or financial advisors will be able to help with any trickier aspects involved in responsibly managing the finances of a small business, your tax obligations, and any specifics required within your industry or sector.

Work out your income and expenses using existing data.

To create a small business budget, you will need to estimate your future income and expenses. Base your estimates on historical data that you already have available — previous sales, quotes from suppliers, and industry averages. Use market research if you are a brand-new small business to get estimates. You will have some costs that are fixed, but others that are variable and may fluctuate throughout the year depending on your industry or the season.

Calculate your income and expenses over regular timeframes.

Monthly budgets are the most common for small businesses. However, you may choose to create a spreadsheet to calculate your estimated income and expenses on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and/or annual basis. This can be particularly helpful if you have some annual expenses, and some paid at other intervals. You can then use columns with calculations to break annual costs into monthly amounts or see at a glance what an annual expense costs your business per month, week, or quarter. You can also use this to create separate weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual business budgets for your small business.

What to include in a small business budget.

Creating a small business budget will involve identifying and including all your expected income and expenses.

Set of six glass jars with different amounts of coins with dollar signs allocated to each.


Start by identifying and listing all your sources of income. Income sources could include, but are not limited to, your income from —


Group your expenses into fixed and variable categories. These may include, but are not limited to —

Why use PDFs for small business budget templates?

If you’re wondering why use PDFs for small business budget templates, when you may have the power of a spreadsheet program or accounting software at your fingertips — that’s a worthy question. There are good reasons for which type of application you choose to use in isolation, or in combination with others.

Photo of a person's hands on a laptop, with the concept of converting PDF files on the screen.

With PDF budget templates for small businesses, you can —

How to create a small business budget template.

You can create your small business budget directly in Adobe Acrobat, explore the free templates on Adobe Express that you can customize to meet your needs, or create your budget in another file format and then convert it to PDF.

Photo of a desktop with a folder labelled budget, a calculator, laptop, financial plan, glasses, pen and potted plant.

Remember to include —

Tips for managing a small business budget.

You’ve taken the time to create a small business budget, so keep up the time and effort to manage how you track your income and expenses. Doing so will help you maintain financial stability alongside your daily operations.

Some tips for managing a small business budget include —

Keep learning! Check out some of our other articles to help busy small business owners learn how to use PDFs effectively.