PDFs for Content Marketing — Boost Engagement and Conversions.

Want to increase engagement and conversions on your website? PDFs are an effective format for delivering content that is visually appealing, easy to consume, and can help bring conversions.

Person's hands open and holding a conceptual diagram of the content marketing cycle - creating, publishing, distributing content for a targeted audience online and analysis.

What you’ll learn.

  • Why content marketing is crucial.
  • The power of PDFs in content marketing to boost engagement and conversions.
  • Planning for your content marketing with PDFs.
  • Optimizing PDFs for search engines.
  • Promoting PDFs to boost engagement and conversions.
  • Analysing metrics to make data-driven decisions.

Content marketing is crucial.

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract new leads and enhance brand perception and visibility. An effective content strategy involves creating educational and credible content that anticipates and answers the questions of your target audience about who you are and what you do. It helps build trust and loyalty for your brand.

Effective content marketing also helps to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and generate traffic to your website, socials, and e-commerce platforms, if you use them. Content marketing can also leverage the wide reach of consumer giants such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix in bringing people back to you.

Tactical content marketing is a powerful business strategy. By creating engaging content that resonates with a target audience, you’ll increase readership, engagement, subscribership, membership, submissions, and revenues.

The Power of PDFs in Content Marketing.

Go from good to great. When it comes to content marketing, PDF documents can be a highly effective format for boosting engagement and conversions.

To get the balance right with using PDFs for content marketing, you’ll need:

  • the human touch to create interesting, engaging, and accurate content.
  • an understanding of a few tech specs around PDF formatting, and how to get your PDFs them found and read online.
  • a way to measure and evaluate your success.

It may seem like it takes a bit of time and resources outside of your core products or services, but content marketing is worth it. In the long term, great content marketing will help increase sales and revenue and advance a brand’s value and credibility. Why? PDFs are —

  • Visual — PDFs are a fantastic way to deliver content in a visually appealing way that is easy to read. It’s easy to convert other documents and images such as jpegs to PDF and even rearrange PDF pages to get a logical flow.
  • Interactive — PDFs can be interactive documents for users to complete and submit information back to you. So, include those important call-to-action elements and links that bring them back to you.
  • Optimizable — PDFs can be optimized for search engines with keywords and content to draw people in and make sure your PDFs get found and noticed.
  • Portable — Just as the name says, Portable Document Format files are easily shared between devices.
  • Seamless — PDFs can be embedded in your web pages, to deliver a seamless experience for your users without having to click on another document or download.

Plan your PDFs for effective content marketing.

Taking the time to create effective PDFs for your content marketing is key. Consider your topic, the experience you want your customers or users to have, and how you will present and format the information in a way that is user-friendly and aligned with your brand. And plan your people and processes to keep on track.

Three illustrations of planning content marketing. One with a person and a calendar, another other with a copywriter and keyboard, and the other with a rocket launch showing a boost in traffic.

Decide your PDF topic based on target audience needs.

To create effective PDFs for content marketing, it’s important to determine your topic based on the needs of your target audience. Consider what type of information would be useful or interesting to them, and how you can present it in a visually appealing way.

Design your PDF with user experience in mind.

User experience is crucial at every stage. Know your audience. When it comes to creating effective PDFs for content marketing, it’s important to keep your user experience in mind. Make your PDF files easy to read, navigate, and interact with as appropriate to your content.

Choose the right visuals and formatting.

Creating effective PDFs for content marketing can be a powerful way to boost engagement and conversions. It’s important to choose the right visuals and formatting for your content. Using templates and high-quality licensed and/or license-free images can simplify the design process – and help people stay longer on your content. Formatting your content based on the channels you plan to publish on can maximize success — and always keep the look consistent with your brand.

Plan your PDF content marketing processes.

Start by setting clear goals for your content marketing based on your products or services. Use tools and software to help your content marketing processes go smoothly.

  • Utilize a content marketing calendar to help organize and track things like your creative contributors, lists of content to ensure it’s not repetitive, timelines and deadlines for drafts and final copy, and the release and publishing and dates of your content.
  • Create a content distribution plan to ensure you’re reaching all your potential audience — include multiple methods and platforms such as social media, email marketing, and website promotion.

Check out products like Adobe Creative Cloud to connect everything and everyone. You’ll also find apps included to get creative, such as Photoshop and Indesign, along with libraries and tutorials.

Be prepared for copying and printing.

Responsive PDF content marketing combines print and digital benefits. Tweak the print settings of your PDF documents for your intended recipients.

PDF documents are usually the preferred format for commercial printers to print hard copies of your marketing materials such as brochures, magazines, and other marketing bumf. For example, include gutters and crop marks for the layout.

Offering a printable version of your content is also a great way to boost engagement and conversions. It allows readers to access your content offline or share it with others easily.

On the other hand, you may want to use permissions and password protection to limit what content users can print, copy and edit.

Optimize PDFs for search engines.

PDFs are a terrific way to deliver rich, visual content to your audience. An optimized PDF will get your online PDFs picked up by search engines and ranked highly in search result pages and help drive people to your content.

Browser window showing a search box with the text "searched keywords" and a list of results with your website at the top.

Use relevant keywords.

Do your research. Find out the keywords that people use to look for your products or services. This is where the combination of human power and the power of machine learning can come in. There are many AI-powered keyword research tools online that curate and present keyword combinations that you may not have even thought of. Then use those keywords naturally in your titles, headings, content, and document description in your PDF.

Include inbound links in your PDFs to other pages on your website(s), whether in your text, as buttons, or from images.

Add alt text/alt tags.

Add alt text or tags to all images and visuals in your documents. Alt text not only gives a description of your images for people using screen readers but tagged content and alt text are also picked up and read by search engines.

Update your PDF document properties metadata.

Make sure you update all fields in your PDF document properties. This all-important metadata is read by search engines. Again, include keywords, and change the author of the document to your company or product name.

Format your filenames appropriately.

Avoid punctuation and spaces in your filenames — use the underscore instead of a space. Include keywords in your filename and make it easy to read when it displays as a URL field on your site.

Convert content with OCR.

The optical character recognition (OCR) technology in Acrobat converts scanned documents into editable text and custom fonts.

Be strategic in PDF placement.

To further optimize your PDFs for SEO, consider placing them strategically on targeted landing pages with concise and convincing content, videos, and unique offers. This can help improve organic ranking and make your content easily discoverable by potential customers through search engines.

Promote PDFs to boost engagement and conversions.

PDFs can be an effective tool in content marketing, as they offer a convenient and easily shareable way to provide valuable information or resources. To boost engagement and conversions, it's important to promote them in every way you can.

Megaphone icon promoting content.

Create a title and description that attracts clicks.

It's important to create a title and description that will attract clicks. This can be achieved by using relevant and targeted keywords in the title and crafting a compelling description that accurately reflects the content of the PDF. Then, keep up the good work. Make sure to present and format the content in your PDFs professionally and use high-quality visuals and pictures from stock image websites.

Have a good landing page to help with take-off.

Use targeted landing pages that are designed to convert visitors into customers. Landing pages and PDFs can also be formatted to collect customer contact information, so you can continue to nurture these leads over time.

Provide value and solve problems for readers.

One of the most effective ways to engage readers is by providing value and solving problems for them. This not only helps to promote brand awareness but also increases engagement.

Personalized content based on customer behaviour can also improve the effectiveness of content marketing. By targeting specific interests and behaviours, you can create more relevant content that resonates with your audience.

Presenting content effectively and optimizing user experience can increase conversion rates and revenue. A well-designed PDF that is easy to navigate and visually appealing can encourage readers to take action.

Valuable content not only engages readers but can also be shared among their networks. Encouraging social sharing through social media buttons or other means can help to expand your reach.

Ensure accessibility for all users.

While PDFs are accessible to different operating systems and devices, accessibility for all users should not be overlooked.

Adding alt text to images will give users a written description of visuals that can be read by screen readers. Similarly, converting images and scanned documents to text with an OCR tool also ensures your content is converted to readable fonts and formatting and accessible to everyone.

Use high-resolution settings to ensure your PDF’s visual quality is kept when zoomed in on enlarged.

Digital accessibility flat vector illustration and understood users

Keep your PDFs up-to-date and relevant.

Keep your content marketing PDFs up-to-date and relevant. This means regularly reviewing and updating content to ensure that it is still current, accurate and useful for your audience.

Share PDFs on social media and email campaigns.

By focusing on promoting your PDFs effectively, you can see a significant increase in engagement and conversions in your content marketing efforts. They are ideal for offline sharing and printing, making them perfect for brochures, magazines, product lists, forms, you name it.

Sharing PDFs on social media is a great way to reach wider audiences and promote thought leadership. Use email campaigns to personalize content and notify subscribers about new PDFs and drive traffic to your website.

Diagram of a hand holding a smart phone with icons popping out from the screen indicating social media activity such as likes, shares and comments.

When promoting your PDFs, it’s important to define your content formats based on your audience and distribution platforms. This ensures that you get the most engagement out of your content. One way to maximize the reach of your content is to convert to and from PDF format to repurpose content such as infographics, videos, and podcasts.

Use PDFs in content upgrades, one-off promotions, and lead magnets.

An effective way to use PDFs is as content upgrades or lead magnets, which can increase awareness and engagement and encourage readers to take action. This can be done by creating targeted landing pages and marketing campaigns with concise content that improves conversion rates.

For example, email newsletter opt-ins can provide you with valuable insights for future marketing campaigns and lead generation metrics. Unique offers, such as discount

ts or one-off promotions can also be incorporated into the PDFs to increase the likelihood of conversion.

Analyse metrics and make data-driven decisions.

Tracking and measuring how well your PDFs are performing in your content marketing should never be overlooked. Key performance indicators and metrics such as views, clicks and click-through rates, comments, shares, time on page, lead generation, and ultimately, sales and retention, all matter when making data-driven decisions.

Analytics infographic chart showing users by time of day, country, browsers, revenue, sessions, and conversions.

Measuring engagement with PDFs and user behaviour can be done in several ways. You’ll have your website analytics data and any social media platform metrics. For insights that can combine various data sources, check out Adobe Analytics to see what your customers do and how you can personalize their experience to keep them onboard.

Take action — create effective PDFs to boost engagement and conversions.

Do it — create your own effective PDFs that will boost engagement and conversions! PDFs are a highly effective tool for boosting engagement and conversions in your content marketing strategy. They give valuable information to your target audience in a format that is easily downloadable, shareable, and accessible. By creating high-quality PDFs that cater to your audience's needs, you can prove yourself as a professional in your industry and drive more traffic to your website and the use of your products or services.

Sketch of images and notes around content marketing. Includes elements such as attracting and retaining customers, types of content and formats, and methods of distribution.

Frequently asked questions.

What are the benefits of PDFs in content marketing strategies?

Incorporating PDFs into your content marketing strategy can have several benefits for your business. All of which can help to increase engagement and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.

  • PDFs are useful for offline viewing of marketing materials such as brochures and magazines.
  • PDFs preserve formatting, have built-in security features, and are easily shared across operating systems.
  • PDFs can provide readers with a more immersive and interactive user experience.
  • Including PDFs in your content offerings, provides readers with another way to engage with your brand and time on your site or learn about your product or service.
  • PDFs are compressible into smaller file sizes, making them easy to send via email or other digital channels and an ideal choice for businesses looking to expand their reach and connect with a wider online audience.

What are some best practices for content marketing with PDFs?

When it comes to using PDFs in content marketing, several best practices can help boost engagement and conversions.

  • Plan out everything from your topic to your tactics. Include dates, times, partners and contributors, distribution methods, design, and formatting elements.
  • Know your audience. Think about how you can create a user experience that your customers or clients will enjoy and want to read and interact with.
  • Optimize for search engines. Use keywords, hyperlinks, alt text, tagging, document properties, file names, descriptions, and strategic PDF placement to help the mighty search engines find and index your content so people can find it.
  • Promote the value of your content. Use titles and descriptions that are engaging and accurately reflect what is inside. Make your landing pages engaging and interactive. Make sure your content gives solutions to your users. Make your content accessible to users with various abilities. Share your PDFs via other channels and as lead magnets.
  • Analyse your metrics. Get to know what actions and behaviours your users take to via your PDFs to come back to you and try your products or services.