How to Convert PDFs and Images to Text at Home with OCR Technology.

The use of PDF files is widespread across all aspects of life these days, including at home. We download PDFs, we keep important documents and records as PDFs, we read PDF books, and more.

Sometimes you have a PDF file that you want to be able to search, edit or copy the text and find you can’t. Chances are, it has been saved as an image. The answer? Use PDF OCR technology to convert your PDF content into text you can work with. Read on to learn how, and when this can help with the types of PDF content you may use at home.

Photo of a woman sitting on a couch at home working on a laptop on a coffee table.

What you’ll learn

What PDF OCR technology is and how it works.

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It's a technology that recognizes and converts scanned paper documents and image files, into editable and searchable text. OCR technology works by recognising and identifying text by the patterns and ways individual characters are typically shaped and formed. It then translates it into text that you can edit and search.

In simple terms, think about when you have an image or a PDF page with text in it that you can see, but when you try to copy it or edit the words, you can’t. That is because your computer has not recognized the shapes of the text within the image. Running an OCR tool will convert PDF to text.

OCR technology is incorporated into Adobe Acrobat applications, including the free trial of Adobe Acrobat Pro. You can use it within a PDF document, and it’s also the same process that is used when you convert a PDF to Word or convert a PDF to Excel and other file format conversions using Adobe Acrobat online tools.

Uses for OCR technology in PDF files at home.

Most of us have a collection of PDF files on our home computers, devices or in cloud storage. Receipts, recipes, and records of all kinds are sent, saved, and stored as PDFs. It’s a trusted format that’s been around for decades and will continue to be. Here are just a few ways you can use the power of OCR technology with those PDFs in your home files —

How to access OCR features in Adobe Acrobat.

When you open a PDF file in an Adobe Acrobat application, optical character recognition is already running in the background.

In Adobe Acrobat online, the conversion to editable text starts automatically when you upload or open a file. After the text recognition process has finished, use the Edit tools to review and make any corrections that may be needed.

Screenshot of the document conversion process in action on a PDF file uploaded to Adobe Acrobat online services.

Tips for converting PDF images to text.

OCR technology is fantastic. Like all technology, it is ever evolving. However, because there are so many variations that can be encountered with the convert image to text process, it’s not always perfect. You do need to be prepared to review and sometimes edit the results of images converted to text to ensure it’s accurate. Some tips to follow when using OCR to convert PDFs to text include checking for —

Ready for more inspiration on how to use PDFs at home? Some of our articles to help with using PDFs at home include —