Document Reviews and Collaborations — Make It Efficient and Effective with PDFs.

The days of printing out documents, scribbling notes in the margins, passing the paper copies to others for feedback and then giving them to someone else to incorporate the handwritten changes into the original document are long gone.

With PDF collaboration tools, teams can now work together seamlessly and efficiently on reviewing digital documents from anywhere, anytime. Using PDF annotation tools, team members can mark-up documents with comments, highlights, notes, strikethroughs, and other annotations with ease. Collaborative PDF review processes result in faster response times, fewer errors, and overall better-quality work and outputs.

Man sitting at table holding his head in his hands while editing, highlighting, and making up paper copies of documents, with some crumpled up beside coffee cups.

What you’ll learn.

Effective collaboration on documentation matters.

Collaboration, is of course, all about working with one or more other people to produce or achieve something, whatever that may be. Collaboration is essential in any workplace or project management process, including the successful review of documents of all types.

So, what is PDF collaboration? PDF collaboration is one of the most effective ways to work together on a shared document. PDF collaboration tools allow team members to edit documents, make comments, highlight key points, and resolve issues in real-time or asynchronously — your choice.

Illustration of two people working on shared PDF document displayed on a computer screen and a laptop to make edits and changes.

Working collaboratively on PDF documents can lead to better quality and timely completion of work and avoid miscommunication and errors that can delay the completion and final release and/or publication of written documents and materials.

PDF collaboration can be used across sectors and businesses.

Any kind of business or organisation across all sectors work on collaborative documents from time to time. Some of the types of documents often collaborated by multiple people in PDF format may include —

The benefits of working collaboratively on PDFs.

PDF file icon with tick mark.

Clear and effective communication and collaboration are always important in the creation of documents. Strategies to help team members to contribute to and review documentation are increasingly important as people work from different locations, environments, and time zones.

Some obvious benefits of working collaboratively on PDFs include —

Standard file format.

To be successful in working collaboratively on electronic documents, it’s always best that people have are using the same apps and software. Portable document format files (PDFs) were designed by Adobe to be accessible and shareable across multiple platforms and devices in a standard file format. If you have documents created in other file formats such as Word, PowerPoint, or Excel it’s simple and easy to convert to PDF so everyone works with the same file format.

Enhanced teamwork and productivity.

The use of PDFs to collaborate on content can be a significant change for teamwork and productivity. Collaborative editing allows for real-time feedback and ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version of the document.

With collaboration tools such as comments and annotations, contributors can highlight important information, suggest changes, or provide feedback, ensuring that all team members are on the same page.

Team members can communicate and work together on the same document simultaneously, leading to a more efficient workflow and productivity.

Efficient use of time and resources.

Collaborating on documents can be time-consuming, but with the right tools and techniques, it doesn't have to be. One of the main advantages of using PDFs to annotate and review documents is that, compared to traditional paper-based collaboration, or working with multiple copies and versions of a document, you can save time and effort.

With PDF annotation tools, you can easily share, review, and comment on the same document in real-time or asynchronously without having to print out copies, wait for other’s feedback, create confusing email chains, have unnecessary meetings, or worry about people working on out-dated versions. This streamlines the document review process so you and others can use your time efficiently and focus on what really matters: getting the job done.

Improved accuracy and quality.

Accuracy and quality are crucial in document creation and review. Collaborating on PDFs can catch errors and inconsistencies, ensuring your document outputs are accurate and meet your quality standards for not only the wording but also the formatting and presentation.

Safer and secure systems and processes.

Electronic documents often contain information that is confidential, sensitive or private. PDF files have several built-in security and password-protected encryption features to ensure only the people you want to access and contribute to the contents can do so. PDF documents can also be signed electronically to create legally binding documents.

Cloud-based solutions for PDF collaboration enable remote access and collaborative editing from any device, ensuring that teams can work together anytime, anywhere.

How to annotate and review PDFs — 3 easy steps to get started.

Take a systematic approach when you want to collaborate on PDF documents. Think about what you want to achieve, the skills and tools you might need to do so, and the best method of sharing your PDFs with others.

Person's hand stacking three blocks numbered 1, 2 and 3 on a table.

Step 1: Define your PDF collaboration needs.

Effective PDF collaboration starts with defining your needs. Before you start annotating and reviewing a PDF for collaboration, identify —

Step 2: Learn how to annotate and review PDFs like a pro.

Learning how to annotate and review PDFs like a pro can help you collaborate more efficiently and effectively. Familiarize yourself with annotation tools in PDFs such as editing capabilities, adding sticky notes, highlighters, comments, stamps, and how to send and share documents for comments or to sign. Check out Adobe Acrobat tutorials to build your skills and learn what you and your team can do in PDFs.

Step 3: Share your annotated PDFs with collaborators.

Sharing your annotated PDFs with collaborators is crucial to the process. There are several ways to share annotated PDFs, including emailing from within the Acrobat app you use, editing online, and using secure cloud storage services, such as Adobe Document Cloud.

Remember to consider the security and accessibility of your chosen sharing method when sharing annotated PDFs, and to communicate regularly with collaborators and contributors on what is needed.

Collaborative PDF editing and annotating is the way to go.

Knowing how to collaborate and edit PDFs is becoming increasingly important — organizations and individuals worldwide choose PDF files to share documents and information because the format is easy to share and access. Effective PDF collaboration can make a significant difference in team productivity, time management, and the quality and accuracy of final documentation.

Frequently asked questions.

Can I annotate a PDF without downloading any tools or apps?

Yes. For anyone sending an email from within an Acrobat app to a non-Acrobat user, the link will take them to the document in Adobe’s secure online cloud storage to make their changes. Similarly, there are times when you might have a single PDF that you want to make edits, annotations or changes to but don’t have access to full PDF editing software at the time. Drag and drop to edit a PDF online and away you go.

How can I edit and make annotations in a PDF file?

The free Acrobat Reader can be used to share and make comments on PDFs. Additional features, such as editing and typing text onto the page, adding sticky notes, strikethrough tools, and highlights, can be found in Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro.

Are PDFs secure for sharing and making edits and annotations?

Yes, PDF files are secure. You can adjust security levels according to your needs. Reviewing and checking the security features within your PDFs is an essential part of a PDF collaboration process. Having appropriate levels of security within your PDFS will also build trust with the people contributing to your PDFs and/or undertaking any sign-off processes.