Serie tutoriales

Tutorial práctico


2 minutos

Cómo utilizar un filtro para crear un efecto de desenfoque

Los filtros de Photoshop resultan útiles para crear efectos fotográficos, como suavizar un retrato para llamar la atención sobre el sujeto.

Start with core concepts

You can use Photoshop filters to re-create popular photography effects or to change the look of a photo.

What you'll learn

Discover different kinds of filters

Recognize how basic filters stylize a photo, whereas other filters reproduce photography techniques.

Add a filter

Add creative filters to make a photo look like an oil painting or to give it a soft and dreamlike look.

Add a mask

Apply filters to just part of a photo with the help of layer masks.

Presenter and Designer

Gabriela Iancu

Adobe Stock Contributors


Juri Semjonow

Drobot Dean





7 de marzo de 2023

Prueba estos tutoriales con Photoshop

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