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Substance is natively integrated in 3D Vidya 20.22 – with true-to-life rendering

screenshot of fabric options shown on a mannequin and a human body

Substance in 3D Vidya: The key features you don’t want to miss.

  1. For quick access, open the Substance 3D Assets library from the Resources menu of 3D Vidya Data Manager.
  2. Navigate and download ready-to-use materials from Substance 3D Assets library, or create your own with Sampler or Designer (SBSAR files).
  3. Import any SBSAR files in 3D Vidya Data Manager.
  4. Imported materials can be customized easily with all options Substance 3D has to offer: pre-saved variations (presets), texture size, texture applications, and more.
  5. Add Avatars to go with your designs.
  6. Drag & drop imported materials onto your design with one click.
  7. Modify any parameters directly in 3D Vidya with complete freedom and full creative control, and visualize the results onto your garment piece: presets, fabric colors, randomize patterns, technical parameters, artwork execution text or shape using your own graphic… possibilities are endless.
  8. Render photo realistically with true light settings and displacement.
  9. Share your work with the new Vidya Viewer or export images.

Start your perfect fashion design workflow now.

screenshot of fabric with editing options in Substance 3D with Assyst

Choose or create materials

Select any of the free Substance 3D materials available by default in 3D Vidya, imported with full parameters.

To go further, create your own fabrics designs with Adobe Substance 3D Sampler or Designer: easily create and augment materials from pictures, scans or existing resources in Adobe Substance 3D Sampler, or start from scratch with full authoring control in Adobe Substance 3D Designer. Need ready-to-use materials? The Adobe Substance 3D Assets library is at your fingertips in 3D Vidya: with just one click, you can visit the library with thousands of 3D materials created by Adobe Substance 3D experts. In the “Substance in Vidya” video, we showcase the puff-glitter-print and amazing pearl designs, from the Adobe Substance 3D Assets library.

Simulate, customize & fit

With one click, you add Substance materials to your designs. Use an avatar or a garment only simulation, all materials will automatically fit your design. You can start playing around with your 3D fabric, colors, and texture instantly. Fitting in 3D Vidya is based on real body data and fabric parameters so you’ll get a true to life fitting experience. Thus, replacing physical avatars and fitting sessions.

Render & share with studio quality

Assyst’s High end Renderer technology brings you simulations with Substance materials in true to life quality ready for eCommerce and showrooms. Our Vidya Viewer module helps you manage all communication with your team and partners.

Assyst 3D Vidya comes with 10 free Substance 3d materials, available by default.

Patchwork of fabric samples

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