Turn a mobile photo into a professional-looking head shot with Lightroom on your phone.
Open Lightroom on your mobile device and sign in with your Adobe ID.
Go to Photos view, locate the photo you want to use in All Photos or in an album, and tap the photo to open it for editing.
If the image is not already in Lightroom, add it to Lightroom. Go to Photos view, and tap the Add Photos button. On iOS, tap From Camera Roll, and select a photo to open it for editing. On Android, select a photo and tap Add; then locate the photo in All Photos or in an album, and tap the photo to open it for editing.
You can take a photo with the Adobe camera built into the Lightroom mobile app. Tap the Camera button to access the camera. The photo is automatically located in the Lr Camera Photos album (iOS) or All Photos.
Tap the Crop button in the bar of editing tools at the bottom of the screen. If you do not see the editing tools, make sure that the menu in the upper left is set to Edit.
To get the best results for LinkedIn, you’ll want to end up with a square image. Tap the Aspect Ratio icon in the lower left and choose 1 x 1 Square. Crop your photo so that your face is centered. You can move the image to reposition it within the crop box. You can also adjust the corner handles of the crop box. Tap the checkmark icon when you’re done.
Swipe the bar at the bottom of the screen to locate the Profiles icon. Tap that icon to display thumbnails of Profiles. Profiles are typically starting points for editing. Black and white profiles are a quick way to try out a variety of black and white looks on a photo.
Tap the Profile category above the thumbnails and choose B&W. Tap some of the B&W profiles to preview them on your photo. You can modify the strength of a profile with the slider at the bottom of the image preview. When you have a black and white look you like, tap the checkmark to apply it.
Your head shot and any edits you make to it in Lightroom on your mobile device automatically sync to Lightroom on all your other devices, including your computer.
You can finish editing and exporting your LinkedIn head shot on your mobile device, or switch to your desktop if you prefer using its larger screen. Launch Lightroom on your desktop. Click the All Photos album to locate your head shot with the changes you made to it in Lightroom on your mobile device. If you want to apply further editing, click the Edit button in the upper right.
In the Edit screen, you can use the panels on the right to apply the same types of edits that are available in Lightroom for mobile. Use the Light panel to make basic adjustments such as Exposure and Contrast. To fine-tune your black and white, you can click the B&W Mix icon in the Color panel and use the sliders there.
Click the Share button in the top right corner and choose Export.
Choose JPEG as the File Type. Choose Dimensions > Custom. In the Long Side field, enter 400 pixels. Since the image is a square, it will be resized to 400 x 400 pixels. You can set other export options too, such as File Naming.
Click Export 1 Photo. Choose a destination, and click Export.
Your head shot is now ready to be added to your LinkedIn profile. Log in to your LinkedIn account and follow the instructions for uploading a new profile photo.